Wood Green – Haringey London, Saturday, 4th December 2025
West Papua joined a demonstration in solidarity with All Kurdish Political Prisoner and Turkish Prisoner which thousands of sick prisoners in Turkey are being denied treatment and left to die in worsening prison condition by the Turkey state barbarism and colonial oppressor on innocent Kurdish people simply for being Kurdish ethnicity. It is similarity on going treatment by the Indonesian colonial government in West Papua treated West Papuan, Aceh, Maluku as subhuman because being colonising and occupied by the Indonesia occupier in West Papua since Indonesia illegal invasion 1963. Therefore, important as oppressed nations stand solidarity with the free all political prisoners in Turkey. The action was taken place in London, the capital of England, with the slogan “Freedom for sick prisoners, Fight against isolation.”
In London, a protest was held in front of Woodgreen Library with the joint call of the Voice of Prisoners Platform (TSP), NADEK and UPOTUDAK. The following was highlighted in the statement made at the protest.
“The attacks and rights violations of the Turkish state against prisoners in prisons are very comprehensive. Torture, imposition of strip searches, not being referred to hospitals, severe isolation, imposition of handcuffed examinations, denial of telephone rights, insufficient and poor quality food, bans on periodicals, books and letters, restrictions on airing time, prevention of releases, executions and burnings are being widespread.
“Among these, not treating sick prisoners and strict isolation are two complementary attack methods.
While the strict isolation policy applied to all political prisoners aims to destroy the social relations of the prisoners, alienate them from their identities and personalities and drag them into spiritual destruction,
the isolation that has been spread from İmralı to other prisons and the prevention of treatment of sick prisoners is a violation of the right to life of political prisoners.
“We protest this policy of the Turkish state that prevents the treatment of sick prisoners and kills them by not releasing them, and we demand an end to the oppression of prisoners.”
The leaflet published in English was distributed throughout the action.
The action ended with the slogans, “Treatment is a right and cannot be prevented! Sick prisoners must be released! Isolation is torture and must be ended immediately! Freedom for political prisoners!”
West Papuan political prisoners under Indonesian terrorist state and fascist state colonial rules in West Papua.
In West Papua, the stigma of ‘separatism’ is very strong. In this context, just the accusation of committing a violent crime or being affiliated with a group associated with political motivation under Indonesian colonial rulers over occupied people of West Papua since 1963 in order to oppressing indigenous West Papua who’s demanding land back from Indonesia illegal annexation in West Papua and intimidating West Papuan activist.
These factors sketch the narrowest boundaries for political prisoners in a place like West Papua, where the endemic structural discrimination from Indonesia’s terrorist state against indigenous peoples – which is fundamentally part of the Indonesian criminal coloniser political structure in its nature and impacts suppressing every black Melanesian of West Papuan to forbidden challenge Indonesian colonialism and occupation in West Papua – plays a strong role in the already which Indonesian racist police and Indonesian colonial criminal judicial systems are collaborators part of the Indonesian occupiers agent system always the Indonesia colonial law only for the Indonesian colonial benefits while every West Papua forever being victimised will be ending in the jail. It is part of Indonesia colonial justice projects in West Papua. Every Papuan people automatically be arbitrarily detained, unfairly tried, beaten in prison or held in inhumane conditions.
The similarities are the struggle of the Kurdish Political prisoners in the Turkey, Iran, Syria, Iraq occupiers in Kurdistan. Balochistan, Western Sahara, Palestine, Kanaky, Hawaii, Kashmir under illegal occupier rulers on their indigenous lands to suppress and exploit our resources.
There has been a history of cases where political activists are arrested and accused of violence by racist criminal police either in the mainstream occupiers media or during the trial. These accusations are often then dropped and substituted with accusations of a lesser, petty crime.
For these and other reasons, when a West Papuan political activist, or a Kurdish political activist is accused of a violent crime, and even convicted of it, there has often been strong counter-evidence which casts reasonable doubt on the trial process and verdict by the colonisers and occupier who’s scare of the truth that West Papuan and Kurdish on the right of the truth while criminal illegal settlers in our own land use every apparatus state to oppressing jailing us to be death and it is part of the colonisers genocidal, ethnic cleansing projects to remove every indigenous people on their lands.
At the end of 2023, 35 of the 531 political arrests were still detained while undergoing legal process, with a further 18 imprisoned following trial, across various locations in Papua.