Life is fleeting and slips through our grasp with each passing day. A week becomes a month, a month turns to years. Time rushes through us without us knowing, leaving us weary from its relentless pursuit. In this brief dance, we often forget what truly sustains us—what holds us up when the weight of the world starts to drag us down.
A strong community is building by strength of mutual care and labor. It is human nature and our ancestral way of being alongside community. We lift each other not to fill a void, but to fortify the foundation beneath us, building resilience, something that can’t be undone by the chaos outside.
The beauty of interdependence is when our hearts beat together without the need for constant affirmation, it is organic and flows.
We must not let ourselves be distracted in the pursuit for liberation — the monster thrives on our distraction, opening up a path for people to come back to it, to be lulled and numbed into sleep. Every day that passes so swiftly is a reminder: we must be vigilant, protecting the unity we’ve nurtured, before there is nothing left to defend but the silence of our own neglect.
In the end, the only thing that can destroy a community that is still weak in its roots is ourselves lest we forget that the strength of a community lies in its ability to care, water and nurture all its roots without individual expectations but intent to build a stronger community to fight the bigger system that holds us all imprison.

Photos credit to @m_rasy from 65th consecutive weeks Free Palestine rally in Naarm.
Repost: @anakbangsamerdeka48 and
credit: @kyaw_kyaw_rebelriot – Women at the front