Indonesian military  Killed 3 West Papuan Innocent civilians in Mulia – Puncak Jaya

Dominus Enumbi, Pemerinta Morib, Tonda Wanimbo being killed by the Indonesian terrorist military satgas Kopassus Maleo  TNI post 753 Wiringgame Puncak Jaya, West Papua

MULIA – PUNCAK JAYA,  Tuesday, 16th July 2024

Indonesian racist criminal special forces Kopassus task force 753 murderers 3 West Papuan innocent civilians in cold blood at 20:00 last night while returning back home after working in front of the  secondary school (SD YPPG Mulia), Pepera Village on yesterday night.

Today, all West Papuan people went to the military post, and police demanded 3  deaths of West Papuan bodies and justice for them. Ask the military headquarters, Letkol, Inf. Irawan Setya Kusuma(Dandim)  and Headquarters of Indonesian Police, AKBP Kuswara (Kapopres) but both of them ignored requested demand of death bodies relative and West Papuan for the barbaric killing innocent West Papuan last night.

While another incident attacked West Papuan, humans’ rights lawyer in Manokwari

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The names of the victims are:

1. Dominus Enumbi (Civil society from Karubate Village, Mulia District, Puncak Jaya Regency)

2. Morib Government* (Head of Porbalo Village, Dokome District, Puncak Jaya Regency)

3. Tonda Wanimbo* (Civil Society from Kampung Temu, Ilamburawi District, Puncak Jaya Regency)

Their bodies  were taken  to Mulia Hospital, Puncak Jaya Regency. Today, people come out demanding justice because the police and military occupiers collaborated with the murderous Indonesian criminal military, which has got human rights to kill black West Papuan Melanesian.


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