KOMNAS-TPNPBKrisis Sandera Pilot SusiAirPerang Gerilya TPNPB

West Papuan Gerilla Freedom Fighters shots death 9 Indonesian Terrorist Military in District Yal – West Papua

West Papuan Freedom Fighters (TPNPB) guerilla under the leadership of Perek Kogeya and his guerilla managed to shoot dead 9th of TNI Indonesian criminal military members who are burning Indigenous West Papuan villages, raping women, children in Papua and West Papuan guerilla successfully  seized 9th Indonesian criminal military firearms with their bullets. Meanwhile, fighting between West Papuan Guerilla (TPNPB) has been going since a few days ago until right now 16th April 2023.

Press Release by the Management of the National Command Headquarters of West Papua National Liberation Army on 16th April 2023

West Papua National Liberation Army troops attacked the Indonesian Military Post in the Yal District and managed to shot dead 9th of the Indonesian terrorist military TNI members and successfully seized 9 weapons of the Indonesian military equipment as well, and this incident happened since yesterday on Saturday April 15th  2023. Therefore,  the West Papuan Guerilla Commander of the Regional Defence Command III of TPNPB Ndugama Darakkma, Brigadier General Egianus Kogeya and his guerilla were responsible for this attack, and the West Papuan guerill will continue to fighting to defend West Papua mother land from Indonesia fascist state illegal occupation in West Papua, Papua will war continued until Indonesia get out of West Papua totally.

This news has been published on various Indonesia colonial mainstream media since yesterday from a coloniser perspective point of view. However, we have received a confirmation report from the West Papuan guerrilla Commander of the Regional Defense Command III of TPNPB Ndugama Darakma Brigadier General Egianus Kogeya on this  Sunday April 16th 2023, at exactly 10:40 am West Papua time.  The West Papua guerrilla demand very clear to the international community, and also to the New Zealand Government that we the West Papua National Liberation Army, have proposed peace negotiations with the New Zealand Government and also the Indonesian Government in Jakarta since 2 months ago, unfortunately the Indonesian facist state coloniser and New Zealand Governments have not answered our letters and peace negotiations for returning peaceful of New Zealand pilot to the New Zealand Government, meanwhile Indonesian terrorist military uses violence, launching massive military invasion, used helicopters and hotjets bombings housing, hospital building, school, churches buildings and burned down every houses of the innocent civilians.

Since two months ago the Indonesian Fascist government of  Joko Widodo used military diplomacy given orders to Indonesian criminal police and Indonesia terrorist military to used violence to release the New Zealand pilot who are feel safe with West Papuan guerrilla. The New Zealand pilot told us he did not feel safe, intimidate, tortured by the Indonesian terrorist military, who used chemical weapons, and rockets to search him.  The Indonesia terrorist Military and criminal Police did not respond and our peaceful negotiation demands, but the Indonesian military and police had carried out a massive military operation in Ndugama and had killed pregnant West Papuan mother and also two members of the West Papuan Freedom Fighters (TPNPB) on March 23th, 2023, and the West Papua National Liberation Army guerilla under Commander Egianus Kogeya’s command began to carry out its Revenge after the Indonesian facist military first attacked the West Papuan guerrilla.

Therefore the United Nations and the New Zealand Government have an obligation to urge the Indonesian Government to stop used military operations secretly without International communities knowing at the moments to covering up in the name of peaceful negotiation applied by the New ZealandGovernment to the Indonesia terrorist state government for the release of their citizens, but the Indonesian government is not willing to negotiate with the TPNPB leadership under the mediation of a neutral third party, namely the UN organisational body.
Thus, the Press Release of the Management of the National Headquarters of TPNPB-OPM as of April 16th, 2023, and the Management of the Central Headquarters of TPNPB-OM, are responsible for this press release.

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