Militan Papua InternasionalSolidaritas Internasional

Papua Militant International, Youth and Young Women Join the March Against Imrali Isolation and AKP/MHP Fascism

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LONDON – Papua Militant International joined with TCŞ and TekoJIN members and young women who participated in the march organised by the Kurdish People’s Assembly in London today.

Kurdish people’s being occupied and colonised by the four states occupiers, which are Turkey, Iran, Syria, and Iraq while the Western imperialists covering up the on going genocidal and ethnic cleansing of Kurds just for being kurds identities. Therefore, as oppressed nations, West Papua stand solidarity with Kurdish liberation struggle against the colonialism and joining the youth marching against the Imrali isolation demanded freedom for Leader Abdullah Öcalan (APO) being imprisoning by the Turkish coloniser more than 24 years as Nelson Mandela a South African leader and condemn an end to the AKP/MHP dictatorship in Turkey

Abdullah Öcalan lawyers and family forbidden to visit him by the criminal barbaric facist Turkish law won’t allow for being Kurdish races and fighting against the Turkey colonialism and apartheid state in Turkey which are Kurdish language banned, Kurdish music banned, Kurdish names banned similar situation with the Indonesia terrorist regime’s colonialism and occupation in West Papua arrested every West Papuan activist (Victor Yeimo) other Papuan for speaking defending West Papua land from occupier. The political prisoners in West Papua and Kurdish political prisoners treated subhuman, unequal because oppressed nations have not gotten equal rights with the oppressors and colonisers.

TekoJIN and TCŞ members gave speeches emphasizing the unlawful isolation and prison conditions for Leader Apo for 24 years inghumane by the Turkey terrorist state coloniser

Slogans such as “Freedom for Öcalan”, “We are Öcalan, we are Öcalan” and “End Imrali isolation” we were chanted on the streets of London. It is important to stand solidarity with Kurdish people’s struggle to demand their rights to self-determination and independence state in Kurdistan region occupied by (Turkey, Iran, Syria, and Iraq) Despite the provocation from a Turkish fascist on the street tried harder to sabotage Kurdish liberation struggle, the protest was really energetic and successful.

As Indigenous peoples from West Papua and Kurdish can unify to support each other in the recisten until freedom for Kurdistan and West Papua can breathe fresh air of justice against the colonialism and occupier in our mother land.

#FreedomForOcalanNow #Defendkurdistan #BijiSerokAPO #FreeKurds #FreeDemirtas #JinJiyanAzadi #YesilSolParti #FreedomOfSpeech #FreeKurdistan
#FreeWestPapua #PapuaMilitantInternational

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