Indonesia plans pardons for Papua prisoners, contradiction to release Indonesian terrorist and criminal prisoners, not West Papuan political prisoners

Indonesian war criminal president Prabowo Subianto wanted for crimes in West Papua, East Timor, Maluku, Aceh, and Chinese ethnic minority

JAKARTA, Jan 22 (Reuters) – Indonesia’s President Prabowo Subianto is considering pardons for prisoners linked to Indonesian terrorist organisations for Various members of Jemaah Islamiyah, a violent Islamist group, were convicted in relation to the bombings, including three individuals who were sentenced to death since 12 October 2002 Bali bombings coordinated bomb attacks in the tourist district of Kuta, Bali. The attack was the deadliest act of terrorism in the history of Indonesia, killing 202 people, including 88 Australian citizens and 38 Indonesian citizens. A further 240 people were injured, organised by the members of Jemaah Islamiyah, a violent Islamist group in Indonesia.

Indonesia terrorists state colonial plans to pardon for Papuan prisoners just contradicted because in reality that  Indonesia coloniser wanted use West Papuan independence self-determination questions for the Indonesia colonial political benefits and manipulated the international communities to covering up the Indonesia colonial barbarism on the  ethnic cleansing and ongoing genocide on black people of Melanesian races in West Papua.

Prabowo talks about freedom for Palestinian. They need to be free from the Israel illegal occupation in Palestine while sametimes Indonesia slaughterin, killing, and murdering West Papuan. The similar cased when Palestinian and Kurdish people’s fighting for their land from Israel coloniser in Palestine and Kurdistan.

West Papua being oppressed by the Indonesia coloniser while the Kurdish people demanding their right to self-determination against the Syria colonialism, Turkey colonialism, Iran colonialism, and Iraq colonialism on indigenous Kurdish land, but in common experiences as opposed nation which so many times Turkey, Syria, Iran promised given amnesty to the Kurdish freedom fighters, and Kurdish political prisoners but in realities never ever release them because those occupiers continued occupied Kurdish Land, Palestine land, Kanaky land, Maori land, Western Sahara from the colonisers.   Indonesia’s colonial government is lying, providing they renounce violence and hide the Prabowo war criminal  agendas, a senior minister said this Wednesday.

Prabowo plans to grant amnesty to those specifically only for the  Indonesian terrorist and criminal convicted and awaiting trial if they pledge loyalty to the Indonesian state and while the Indonesian minister telling lying publicly justified “Papuan Pardon” only for the Indonesian criminal and terrorist prisoner but what the reason behind of the this Amnesty. As Indonesia’s criminal coloniser, senior minister for law and human rights affairs, Yusril Ihza Mahendra, told Reuters that to “stop all activities aimed to separate West Papua from Indonesia colonialism and illegal occupation for more than 63 years”.  

The Indonesian colonial government is drawing up lists of  Indonesian terrorist and criminal individuals eligible using West Papuan names for releasing Indonesian criminal murderers of the 202 Innocent civilians bombs Bali 2002, he said. Most West Papuan freedom fighters TPNPB are defending their lands from our greediest exploiters, occupiers, and thieves while colonising West Papua since our illegal invasion into West Papua 1963. We cannot release them, but we will release West Papuan normal prisoners and some Papuans who worked for the Indonesian government arrested for corruption cases then we will announce to the International communities that we have pardoned all the West Papuan freedom fighters. The world will believe that Indonesian criminal president Prabowo Subianto became a good boy, humanise, and the president is not war criminal anymore in the eyes of the international communities. Even though the United Nations wanted Prabowo for war crimes for more than 30 years  in Aceh, East Timor, Maluku, and ethnic cleansing in West Papua.


This is a clear tactic being used by the Indonesian colonialists in West Papua, Aceh, Maluku and in East Timor. If the Indonesian terrorist government is serious on West Papua Pardon then why did the Indonesian elected president Prabowo not release all West Papuan Political Prisoners in West Papua, Makassar, Jakarta.   

This Amnesty for West Papua by Prabowo contradicts because he should release all West Papuan political prisoners, but a mixed pardon because Prabowo is only interested in releasing the Indonesian terrorist leader who attacked 88 Australian citizens in Bali bombers 2002, which the Indonesian talking about to justify.  Then, firstly  the Indonesian terrorist state has to withdraw all the Indonesian terrorist military and  Indonesian criminal police entirely to West Papua immediately.  Secondly, allow all the International Organisation NGOs to enter West Papua. Third, allow the United Nation High Commissioner to visit West Papua.  So the International communities and International human rights organisation will investigate and allow the Amnesty International, Red Cross, Human Rights organisation, Refugees to visiting the internal refugees in Oksibil, Mapenduma, Wamena, Maybrat Sorong, Yahukimo, Intan Jaya, Puncak Papua. What is Indonesia? Keep hiding on going genocide in West Papua.  

Why the Indonesian ministry. “It’s going to be a new hope for us in finding a solution in Papua,” Yusril added. No wonder after the Indonesian government financing ULMWP NGOs, Indonesian NGOs organisation in national and local West Papua collaborated to sabotage the ULMWP Vanuatu Congress, from the official ULMWP . Therefore, Indonesian interiors minister and Indonesian foreign ministers bought Rex Rumakiek, Rony Kereny, Oktovianus Mote, KNPB, Sonamapa, PRP (Papuan People’s Petition), Jubi Papua, Papua Post sabotase the real West Papuan organisation body fighting for self-determination but being eliminated by those West Papuan betrayal organisation part of the Indonesian official games to dismantle the West Papuan liberation struggles. Their mission simply bringing the ULMWP to be part of the Jedah kemanusiaan, MoU contract signature between West Papuan betrayal collaborated with the Indonesian government under with the European Peace maker organisation with Catholic Church was behind this agreement set the poison traps bringing the West Papuan resistance into Indonesian terrorist government peace negotiation and West Papua have to be part of the Indonesia forever. 

For this reason why Octovianus Mote, Markus Haluk, Menase Tabuni, Komnas Ham, Kontras, Human Rights Watch Indonesian, LIPI, ALDP, KNPB, Sonamapa, and all International NGO’s pretending support West Papua working hardest to destroyed West Papua struggle for Independence. This is part of the Indonesia coloniser’s tactics to allow West Papua to have conflicts among themselves. Part of the Indonesia colonial projects used by some West Papuan working for the Indonesia government indirectly.  Why Indonesian minister planned to visit the UK government because Indonesia, scared of the Benny Wenda leadership and Indonesian colonial minister, tried to convince the UK government to stop the Free West Papua Campaign and Green State Vision because with the West Papuan green state vision Indonesia production of the palms oils plantation cannot export to the European countries and other countries who signature with  Paris  Green Climate Funds .It mean that they can not buy Indonesian multi billionaires palms oils production profits and only one way is destroy ULMWP and Green State Vision, lead by the incredible West Papuan Independence leader, Benny Wenda. The Indonesian transmigration minister promised to continue sending Indonesian illegal criminal settlers in massive big numbers every week into West Papua, and every West Papua province need to be occupied by all entire Indonesian illegal criminal settlers. Indonesia learnt from the Zionist programs to replace all the Palestinian with European zionist from around the globe to wipe out the Palestinian from their land. Systematically Indonesia’s colonial government leant best lesson on how to apply them into West Papua and wipe out all the black Melanesian West Papua with the Indonesian illegal criminal settlers.  

A low-level battle for West Papua  independence against the Indonesia colonialism and occupation  has been waged  since under Indonesian illegal annexation with the No Act of Free Choice  illegal referendum with gun points  in 1969 at the end of Dutch colonial rule.

Many Papuans have said the Indonesia government should get out of West Papua and back to java where you belong too.  Indonesian fascist military forces have since kept a tight rein and managed to slaughter innocent West Papuan womens and girls more than 700,000 and all the international human rights organisation banned visiting West Papua because Indonesia terrorist state government hid Indonesian secret ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing  in West Papua     for more than 63 years Indonesia colonialisation.  

West Papua freedom fighters managed to peacefully release   a New Zealand pilot who was released last year after being take care of for 19 months.

Indonesia criminal Police last August said another New Zealander helicopter pilot in Alama District, Mimika region  was killed  by the Indonesian terrorist military then black mailing   on West Papuan freedom fighters when he landed a helicopter in a remote area.

Prabowo plans to pardon 44,000 prisoners including drug offenders. Prabowo will not released West Papuan freedom fighters,  and release just normal activists in Papua for criticising the government in one condition: never protest or demand free West Papua from the Indonesia colonialism and illegal annexation in West Papua. He has previously said that he might allow people who engaged in graft to go unpunished if they return what they stole.

It is also considering releasing the Indonesian terrorist leader  parole for two former leaders of the militant network Jemaah Islamiyah and amnesty for its jailed members. I will not allow International Human Rights organisation to visit West Papua because I don’t want the world will know and finding out the truth that Indonesia is colonising West Papua as we do not want Arabs, Muslims, Christians, finding out that what Israel are doing it to Palestinian, but we are doing genocide in West Papua too. I hope the world did not find out about how the black Melanesian of West Papua being ethnic cleansing same with the Palestinian peoples, Kurdish people being killed by the Persian, Arabs, Turks including Kanak people being killed by the France colonial in Kanaky. 

Reporting by Ananda Teresia; Editing by Martin Petty


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