English – ASL interpretation of te_otane and Maryam Muhammad
Transcript: Transcript: (replying to comment saying they disagree that West Papuans are experiencing a genocide from the Indonesian government)
Yeah, I don’t care. I don’t care that you followed me, and I don’t care that you unfollowed me. This page wasn’t set up for you. I don’t care whether you’ve got 65,000 followers like this person or whether you’ve got 2 million, 10 million, 100 million, I couldn’t care less. This page was not set up to appease you to please you. This page was set up to stand in solidarity with the Palestinians and all other oppressed indigenous communities throughout the world. What makes you think that I would stand against the genocide and oppression of Palestinians and not stand against the genocide and oppression of our brothers and sisters in the Pacific, the West Papuans What really blows my mind is that you guys are really appreciative that I’m standing in solidarity with the Palestinians, but when I point out what’s happening in your own backyard, that your Indonesian government is oppressing West Papuans, then you guys are real quick to forget that same stuff happens here in Aotearoa. It’s called colonial amnesia. I’ve got news for you, my friend, we do not forget that a coloniser could be British, a coloniser could be French, and a coloniser could be the Indonesians. The West Papuans have been fighting for their sovereignty and their right to exist for near on seven decades and I will stand with them as strongly as I’m standing with other indigenous communities and if there’s any more of you guys who want to unfollow then don’t let the door hit you on the way out. Adios, free West Papua and free free Palestine. Yee-hee!