Towards a Fighting Year Indonesia Terrorist State in 2025!

The year 2025 will be a year of fighting together for our lives, fighting together against exploitation and plunder, fighting together for democracy to ensure our bright future against the imprealism, colonialism, and illegal annexation in West Papua, Palestine, Kurdistan, Balochistan, Ahwzes, Kashmir, Kanaky, and Indigenous peoples globally.

Old and new challenges are with us. The working people, oppressed nations, Indigenous people’s, and the other democratic forces in our countries continue to suffer. We are scrimping on every centavo, every rupiah, dollars family wages and incomes continue to be eroded, hunger is prevalent, prices are skyrocketing, with the prices of basic necessities turning into luxury goods. More working people and oppressed nations  in West Papua, everywhere can not find work, with the urban and rural youth unemployment at acute levels. Working hours are longer, and work is becoming even more dangerous.

We must continue increasing our political awareness self-determination against Indonesia terrorist state coloniser and illegaloccupier in West Papua. We must study the root causes of West Papua demanded Indonesia illegal settlers, Indonesia fascist state government should get out of West Papua imeddialy and interconnections of events happening in our region and the world. We must continue increasing and broadening our ranks, especially among the working people, women, and youth, to fight for self-determination. Including remove all the illegal settlers get out of West Papua immediately also try engage other democratic forces in our country and enjoin them to fight for our lives and our future until Indonesia terrorist state coloniser get out of West Papua immediately

Read more: ILPS


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