West Papua joined the global solidarity protest to commemorate the dead of Gaza

Today, West Papua, Kurdish, Māori joined over 100,000 people, rallied in solidarity with the Palestinian people, and asserted their right to protest on this Saturday18th January 2025. We were rally from Whitehall to Trafalgar Square.

The reality is this. As shown in this video at the end of the rally, it was announced from the stage that a delegation including MPs, trade union leaders, the leaders of the Palestine Coalition and cultural figures would walk silently and peacefully towards the BBC to protest at its complicity and at the attempt to suppress our right to do so. We made clear that if stopped by police we would leave the flowers we were carrying at their feet.

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We gathered today to mark our shared relief at a ceasefire, our trepidation at the likelihood Israel would violate it and our demands to end all UK complicity with Israel’s 76 year long denial of Palestinian rights to self-determination as same struggles for Kurdish people’s demands their rights to be free from Turkey occupier, Iran occupier, Syria occupier, and Iraq occupiers in indigenous Kurdish land. Since yesterday Turkey massive campaign bombings innocent Kurdish civilians, while the world closed their eyes and their hearts for Kurdish crying for freedom

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Turkish airstrikes on the civilian gathering at the Tishreen Dam today killed 4 people and injured 15.

Since demonstrations at the dam began 10 days ago, Turkish strikes targeting the convoys and dam have killed a total of 12 civilians and wounded 70. 

Meanwhile, the Kurdistan region occupied by the Iranian coloniser regime continues to execute Kurdish political prisoners in Iran for being Kurdish ethnicity. We demand immediate release all Kurdish political prisoners, Balochs, Ahwzes, and Iranian prisoners.

Speak out against this injustice:
The interrogator told Pakhshan Aziz, who has been sentenced to death:

“I will fabricate a case so severe that you’ll beg me for mercy!”
Pakhshan’s life is in danger. Until her freedom, we must be her

Seems all the occupiers and colonisers have got on their agenda used every global political trend for their own international continue increasing massacres in West Papua on 18th January 2025 Indonesia terrorist state coloniser Satgas Damai Cartenz burning down Yahukimo and many West Papuan refugees into the forest because the Indonesia brutality in same times used St.Efesus church for the Indonesian terrorist military/police as based headquarters.

Thousands hit the streets of London to protest the Israeli genocide in Gaza, including different oppressed nations in Kurdistan, West Papua, Aotearoa, Kashmir, Balochistan, Kanaky, Myanmar, Puerto Rico, Aboriginal sovereignty, Mapuche, Abya Yala, Amazonian, Congo, Sudan, Haiti.

Very concerning reports on policing and arrests from yesterday’s peaceful Palestine protest in London. We are sure we have heard comrades, but more than 80 peaceful Palestine protests were arrested yesterday

In the peaceful protest attended by many Jews Block for Palestine in London yesterday,

“Many Jews  stood on stage again yesterday at a peaceful protest in solidarity with the Palestinian people.

That’s partly because all theirs years growing up in Jewish schools taught them about social injustice and standing up for what’s right. “

The West Papuan, Kurdish, Kanak, Māori, Sudanese, Congolese, Kashmiri, Baloch, Saharawian, Ahwzes, Armenian, black liberation, Aboriginal sovereignty, Mapuche, Amazonian, Abya Yala struggle are connected to the palestinian struggle; all genocides of the global south require our solidarity against forces of imperialism,  and colonialism. We do not allow anti-racist, oppressors, or colonialism space in our movements when even palestinians in gaza have made this clear that Palestine has the right to self-determination, including every oppressed nation.


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