Posted inEnd the Colonialism End the Genocide End the Occupation Free Kurdistan❤️🌞💚✌🏻 Free Palestine Free West Papua ❤️ 💙 🤍 ✊🏼
Posted inASNLF End the Colonialism End the Genocide Free Aceh Indonesia Fascist State Indonesia terrorist state Indonesian Criminal Police Terorisme TNI-POLRI
Kenang Tragedi Arakundoe, Suara Diaspora Aceh di Denmark Melawan Lupa Kejahatan Penjajah Indonesia di Aceh
We Are Tishreen: West Papua Join the action days for Kobanê and Tishreen in London
Posted inAboriginals Sovereignty End the Colonialism End the Genocide End the Occupation Kurdistan Palestine Torres Strait Islander West Papua
White Australia has a Black history and a Black future
Posted inEnd the Colonialism End the Genocide End the Occupation Indonesia Fascist State Indonesian Criminal Police Terorisme TNI-POLRI Ultimatum TPNPB-OPM
TPNPB West Papuan Guerrillas shot dead of Indonesian criminal Police Officer in Puncak Jaya Papua