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Chief of Indonesian criminal Police at Yahukimo Regency Kapolres AKBP Deni Herdiana Arrested 22 West Papuan including 7 Kids in Yahukimo – West Papua



Indonesia coloniser after successfully burning ? down villages, Churches, schools 19 Villages in Maybrat Regency (2/9/2021 to 20/9/2021) then recently Indonesia mainstream media LIES of the a nurse who is SUICIDE herself falling into the cliffs Abyss in Kiwirok District (18/9/2021).

BUT TODAY- CLEAR MESSAGES THAT’S INDONESIA HAD PLANNED in advanced  to creating ETHNIC CLEANSING at entire Black people of West Papua.

Chief of Indonesian criminal Police at Yahukimo Regency Kapolres AKBP Deni Herdiana was ordered by the Papua Provincial Police Chief, Irjen Mathius D Fakhiri to arrest 22 West Papuan including 7 children and 15 adults for no apparent reason and no arrest warrant letter. However, the Chief of Police, Yahukimo, wanted to create a conflict in order to get a promotion and at the same time benefit Paulus Waterpauw provocateur so that there would be a push for Brimob troops with the excuse of securing Papuan National Sports Campionship (PON) players for corruption of PON funds for the business interests of Paulus Waterpauw provocateur and Tito Karnavian (Minister of Home Affairs)

The chronology of the arrests occurred today, Monday, September 20, 2021, at 12:20 midday.

The first incident was that we were from bamboo two after burning your stone, we took a bath in the blue river, we all took a truck to the blue river, the police chased us from behind using a white 4×4 exstrada hailuk car. After we showered, you returned to the house like this, the police chased us from behind and barred us from the front of the Siiep Asso complex and were told to get out of the car at gunpoint. After that we were forcibly arrested and then taken to the Yahukimo Police Chief from 12: 20- 4: 45 returned in the evening.

However, our friend Arnes Silak is still being held at the Dekai Yahukimo Police Station until this news is revealed.

#Yahukimo #22Arrested #7Kids
#IndonesiaFascistState #IndonesiaTerroristState #IndonesiaCrimialRegime #IndonesiaApartheidState #IndonesiaIsAColoniser #IndonesiaStopGenocide #IndonesiaStopKillingPapuans