Latest update from Aifat – Maybrat, 14th September 2021 – West Papua.
There are 5 [five] districts that were displaced from the Indonesian terrorist military and criminal police brutalised 19 Villages, namely:
1. South Aifat District
2. Central Aifat District
3. East Aifat District
4. Far East Aifat District
5. Aifat District
The number of refugees more than 2,275 people are still at the forests, including there are 69 children under five years old. All of them fled to the forests until now. They are in Aifat Raya, Maybrat, West Papua at the moment.
Please do monitor and advocate them. Tell your love once or friends about this where you are and to the West Papua supporter and international communities.
Long Live International Solidarity ✊?✊?✊?✊??
#AifatSelatan #AifatTengah #AifatTimur #AifatTimurJauh #Aifat #District #MaybratRegency #WestPapuaProvince
#FreeWestPapua #PapuaMerdeka #WestPapuaUnderAttact
#IndonesianFascistMilitary #IndonesianRacistPolice #IndonesiaFascistState #IndonesiaTerroristState #IndonesiaCrimialRegime #IndonesiaApartheidState #IndonesiaIsAColoniser #IndonesiaStopKillingPapuans #IndonesiaStopTheGenocide
Augustine Aud (KNPB Leader of Sorong Raya)
Pictures of West Papuans refugees in the forest of Maybrat Regency