Westpapuanews.Org – The Indonesian terrorist Infantry Battalion Task Force Infantry Battalion 122 / TS terrorized and intimidated the Church congregation while they were performing peaceful worship suddenly indonesian military entered the church while holding the guns. Unbelievable when children, women’s show that they was very shocked and so scared with their present
Tanah Merah, Boven Digoel. They are special military forces for security of immigration border patrols between West Papua and Papua New Guinea. However they went to every Churchs, villages to demoralise, terrorising, and intimidating innocent women’s and children’s there.

The Pamtas Task Force Infantry Battalion 122 / Tombak Sakti which is under the Kolakopsrem 174 / ATW Merauke is supposed to carry out border security duties but instead it makes people uneasy about doing peaceful worship at the ST Church. Mary, Mother of the Sacred Heart, Tanah Merah. Sunday, February 14, 2021 today.
Even though the Covid-19 pandemic, the Catholic Church has even forced their congregation members to attend church so more indigenous Papuans can invective of virus Covid-19 then many of them will dying slowly where Indonesian racist and criminal state killing West Papuan with #BiologicalWarfare as usually collaboration between state and Catholic Church hierarchy in Jakarta never ever spoken of genocide in West Papua, but always continued supporting indonesian military, police to slaughtering West Papuan so it is not surprising that when Catholic Church in Indonesia, West Papua behaviour towards similarly Irish hierarchy Bishop on top collaborated with English to murdered Irish freedom fighters or Irish independence already more than 800 years even though vicar or lower hierarchy supporting independence movement.

As we all aware of the spread of the virus will grow and spreading massively surely thanks West Papuan will die without killing them directly by the Catholic Church collaboration with Indonesia colonial to remove indigenous lands with Covid-19 virus.
On those pictures military or police forbiden to enter the Church, masque, Buddha temples while holding guns. Clearly their present intimidating, terrorising as people already knew the palmoils investors and multinationals cooperation given all of money to donated funds for Archbishop of Merauke, and Archbishop Jakarta who are very corrupt and always defends oil palm and forestry companies.
Therefore, Catholic Church working together removed Indigenous lands in Merauke and made easy access to stealing indigenous land which is continuing hypnotic them with dreams that, “all of congregation members will have house in the heaven”, while our peoples did not relays that Indonesia fascist state, indonesian military, Catholic Church, Christianity to be there take people land then handing over to the multinationals cooperation then in return Catholic Church, military services and state get the massive profits of moneys, luxurious houses, powers and maximum profits.
The TNI (Indonesian military) deliberately made visits in order to frighten the Papuan people, because in recent days there has been armed clashes between West Papuan Freedom Fighter (TPNPB) in Nduga, Intan Jaya and Puncak Papua where there is incident 13th February in Ilaga where one of the indonesian fascist military was hit in the eye, so it is not surprising when the military presence was very disturbing to the churches and communities. Even the location of the conflict very far different county.
The communities Tanah Merah felt intimidating and insecure with the presence of soldiers from Yonif 122 / TS who entered and standing guard with weapons while carrying out worship at the Church around Pos Kout. According to Dansatgas Yonif 122 / TS Major Inf. Raden Henra Sukmadjidibrta SIP, that ” we will come in and out every villages, churches and places of worship every Sunday and at the same time conduct operations every villages so that the community can be terrorised and feared, that is the their purposes of military presence”. Said in front of Catholics and Satgas Pamtas Yonif 122 / TS.
#IndonesiaFascistState #Penjajah #IndonesiaTerroristState #Killer
#IndonesiaCriminalRegime #JokowiKontol #PapuansKiller2021
#JokoWidodoIsAWarCriminal #PapuaIsNotIndonesia
#HendropriyonoFascist #TimoresKiller
Credit photos: Info Kejadian Merauke