ArtikelFotoSolidaritas InternasionalTimor Leste

Front People of Maubere for West Papua (FRM-WP) declare our solidarity with the people of West Papua

Press Conference

Today, 1st of December 2020 is the 59th Independence Day of West Papua. Just like in Timor-Leste 24 years ago, Indonesian military use oppression to exploit the West Papuans and it is been on going for 59 years. West Papuans now face the same dehumanized oppression done by the Indonesian military. We are disturbed by escalating violence over the past weeks and months in the Indonesian provinces of Papua and West Papua and the increased risk of renewed tension and violence.

Therefore, we who gather under Front People of Maubere for West Papua (FRM-WP) declare our solidarity with the people of West Papua, whom for a long time struggle for their existence as human beings on this earth. West Papuans are also human beings who must be free from exploitation of others, free from systematic racism, free from oppression and other injustice system whether with Indonesia or to be an independent state.

FRM sees 59 years is enough time to justify that issue of humanity of West Papuans cannot be solve inside the state of Indonesia or when West Papua still be part of Indonesia. There we publicly declare that:

1. To the Government of Timor-Leste through their external politics to pay attention to the issue of violation of humanity in West Papua, either to solve it with West Papua being part of Indonesia or through a democratic solution whish is referendum.

2. To call religious institutions in Timor-Leste, especially churches in Timor-Leste who always speak about peace, justice and humanity, to pay attention and to speak about the exploitation of humanity in West Papua, as a for, of social solidarity from the catholic church. 

3. To call all the civil societies in Timor-Leste who have been advocate on human rights to come together as an organ, whether through FRM or other front, to speak specifically about the exploitation of humanity in West Papua.


Díli, 01 December 2020

Edy Cabitan
Porta Voz

source: Front Peoples of Maubere for West Papuan