According to his testimony at the Biak Massacre Tribunal, Filep wanted to test out a theory. He was also preaching non violent resistance and peaceful demonstrations on the days leading up to the flag raising event.
He wanted to test out a theory that if he raised the morning star flag of West Papua and left it up for 24 hours, the UN would recognise West Papua as an independent country.
But he was proven wrong.
The UN did not come to save them.
Instead the Indonesian military arrived in full force and rained terror on the West Papuan people who had gathered singing church songs and praying around the water tower where the flag was raised.
Filep himself was shot in the legs.
People were tortured, women were raped, some were taken out to sea and thrown into the water after being tortured and killed.
All because the people dared to raise their flag.
We demand justice for the Biak Massacre and call for accountability from the Indonesian military and government.
Presiden Joko Widodo Scott Morrison (ScoMo)