ArtikelIndonesia criminal regimeIndonesia Fascist StateIndonesia terrorist state

Indonesian military terrorising West Papuan children in Trineri village, Puncak Jaya

Indonesian military terrorising and intimidating West Papua children in Trineri village, Puncak Jaya – Papua.

Indonesian military terrorising and intimidating West Papuan children in Trineri village, Puncak Jaya – Papua.

Just sake for publicity to covering up muss killing and muss murdered was being exposed on their brutality killed innocent women and children in #Nduga which videos of Papuan has been found it after Indonesian military buried them in the ground.

The Indonesian Military often forcibly “educates” not because Indonesian military genuinely want to teach Papuans children, but for publicity on mainstream media to justify 6,000 military present and for staying until December in West Papua while children’s already traumatised by their present and surrounding by Indonesian military with the gun. Just imagining our children in Australia in the middle of on going war with military holding the guns then surrounding by them, what is our children feeling? What is our parents feeling? It’s definitely being traumatised and shocking.

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