
Open Letter: Public Call for Justice for our Women in Papua New Guinea

Open Letter: Public Call for Justice for our Women.

To Prime minister James Marape of Papua New Guinea, it’s wonderful to read your statement against domestic violence, that culture should not be blamed – that it is not the Melanesian way.

Thank you, but we are calling for tougher measures on perpetrators as it has surfaced that some of these women killers are from rich and influential backgrounds and are using their influence and connections to stay above the law and avoid prison time.

We are calling for justice to prevail in the PNG legal system, these men have to answer for their crimes regardless of their status.

In the case of Felix Kange who killed his partner Regina #JusticeforRegina

In the case of Richard Namaliu who killed his partner, former Miss PNG, Ruby-Anne #JusticeForRubyAnne

And recently the case of Bosip Kaiwi who violently assaulted his partner Jenelyn for days before dropping her lifeless body off at the hospital and fleeing. #Justice4Jenelyn

We have felt it fitting to release this statement because Mr Kange and Mr Namaliu are walking around freely and not in Jail where they are supposed to be serving time for their crimes.

Are there separate laws and treatment for the rich and prominent people in PNG? Because it seems that way to the international community.

All of these women were intelligent and successful young women who had their whole lives ahead of them tragically cut short by violence perpetrated by their partners – powerful, wealthy, heartless and abusive men.

These women, our women, deserve justice and nothing less.

Adi Holmes for the Free Papua Movement Australia.

Photo: PNG Daily