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Papua Militant International joined Protest the Rock Around The Blockade for Unblock Cuba

2 Flags brother Cuba ?? and The Morning Star flag from West Papua outside American Embassy in London.

Rock Around The Blockade (RATB) organised a protest outside the US embassy in London on 17 October. This demonstration was to oppose the illegal US blockade at a time when it is more important than ever to defend the example of socialist Cuba.

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Speakers at the event from RATB, the RCG, Communist League, Free West Papua, the campaign to free Julian Assange and other supportive groups provided powerful arguments for standing in solidarity with Cuba. They highlighted Cuba’s socialist achievements and the internationalism it has shown during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Marching to the entrance of the embassy, we chanted: ‘Cuba si! Yankee no!’ and ‘Abajo el bloqueo/Down with the blockade!’
For 60 long years, the US has imposed blockade on the Cuban revolution. The US is trying to strangle the Cuban economy, bringing extraordinary hardships on ordinary Cubans. They are punishing the whole population of Cuba just so they can bring capitalism back into the island. US sanctions create shortages of medicines, and prevent Cuba from purchasing, or receiving donations of medical equipment to treat Covid-19 patients. The US administration claims Cuban medical internationalists serving populations overseas are ‘slaves’, meanwhile 4,000 Cuban specialists treat Covid-19 patients in nearly 40 countries, saving lives.

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The working class and oppressed people of the world stand in solidarity with Cuba against the illegal US blockade! ??✊✌️

Hands off Cuba! Smash the illegal blockade! Down with US imperialism!

Bloqueo #Cuba
