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Papuan Students of Indonesia Collective held a rally in the regional city of Manado to reject systemic racism and ‘Special Autonomy’ for West Papua

West Papuan students in Manado, Sulawesi, have won an incredible moral and strategic victory through peaceful protest today. The IMIP or Papuan Students of Indonesia Collective held a rally in the regional city of Manado to reject systemic racism and ‘Special Autonomy’ for West Papua.

TNI and POLRI used road blocks to prevent many students from attending, and even arrested the priest who was due to bless the cultural ceremony prior to the rally. The West Papuan students went ahead with their rally.

This video shows students completely surrounded by 500 heavily armed soldiers and riot police. Undeterred, they call for an end to racism, to violence and say ‘no’ to Jakarta’s Special Autonomy deal. They demand a meeting with the Governor. In the face of weapons and armoured vehicles, barricaded in, they maintain their dignity, and ask everyone to sit. The Governor agrees to meet with them. He is on his way. We can’t wait to hear what they have to say to him.

Our hearts are full of admiration for you all. We stand with the Manado students, and with all who practice non violent resistance to repression.

#MakeWestPapuaSafe #RacismKills Tell the @AFP to #StopTrainingKillers #IndonesiaTerrorist #IndonesiaPenjajah #Pembunuh #Perampok #Penipu

source: Make West Papua Safe