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Provisional Government with West Papuans Declares “Supports the IPWP Meeting at Westminster” in the UK

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“Supporting the Call for a UN Visit to West Papua”

Today, (17/10/2023) thousands of West Papuans gathering with the Prime Minister of the West Papua Provisional Government (ULMWP), Rev. Edison Waromi, S.H, and Mr. Buchtar Tabuni – Chairman of the West Papua Council / Legislative Council expressed their support for the International Parliamentary Meeting for West Papua (IPWP) which will take place tomorrow 18th October 2023 in Westminster, British Parliament in England, with the agenda: “Call for a UN Visit to West Papua which has been postponed since 2018” by the Indonesian criminal occupier.

Support from West Papua National Liberation Army TPR-PB for IPWP meeting in Westminster

The support took place in the capital city of West Papua in Port Numbay (Jayapura City), which was attended by a number of elements of the West Papuan independence struggle and delivered a number of statements to support the meeting at Westminster tomorrow.

Prime Minister of the West Papua Provisional Government (ULMWP), Rev. Edison Waromi, S.H. On this occasion said:

“Today [17/10/2023], the entire West Papua region is holding support activities to support the IPWP meeting in Westminster Hall in the UK tomorrow.”

“I represent all levels of the existing Provisional Government, especially representing the executive in the 7 regions, expressing our full support for the meeting taking place in Westminster tomorrow [18/10/2023]”

Meanwhile, Mr. Buchtar Tabuni as Chair of the Parliament or Chair of the West Papua Council who represents the voice of all the people of West Papua from Sorong – Merauke stated that he fully supports the IPWP meeting which will take place tomorrow with the agenda: “a visit of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to West Papua” as called for by Melanesia Spearhead Group (MSG), Pacific Islands Forum (PIF), Organization of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS/ACP).

“Indonesia as a member of the MSG association must respect the 2023 MSG Summit Communiqué, namely allowing the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to visit West Papua within the specified time”

“This is a long-standing appeal that has been postponed by the Indonesia occupier since 2018-2019. Now, it can’t be postponed any longer. The UN must be allowed into West Papua to see firsthand what is happening and what the Indonesia occupier hiding from the international communities.”

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Therefore, “We also request that the British Government can take more concrete steps to fulfil the support for the UN visit to West Papua, which was stated in November 2020 in Parliament,” said Buchtar Tabuni

#IPWP #IPWPeeting #CommonHouse #WestminsterHall #WelcomeUNHC #WestPapua #HumanitarianCrisis #HumanRightsAbuses #PIF #ACP #UnitedNation #OHRCHR #UNHRC #FreeWestPapua

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