On last Saturday 6th December the London RCG branches, Victory to the Intifada and Protest for Palestine organised a demonstration outside the Israeli embassy in Kensington, London, to protest the ongoing illegal annexation of Palestine and call for an end to British support for Israel. The demonstration was a lively event with solidarity chants and speeches, joined by other groups including Socialist Appeal, Papua Militant International and the Free Julian Assange Campaign.

20 years ago during the Second Intifada, the Palestinian people shook the Israeli state and shone a spotlight on the realities of the Israeli occupation. Today, Palestine’s false friends in the region are showing their true colours, and conditions for Palestinian people continue to deteriorate.

Talks on the day exposed the central role of British imperialist forces in backing Israeli brutality to support economic interests in the region. Contributions from the Papua Militant International discussed the links between Israel and Indonesia’s brutal colonial rule over West Papua. The Free Assange Campaign highlighted the persecution of whistleblowers.

Together campaigners who took to the streets on the day created a lively and engaging event both for passers by and the cameras. We showed that even during the heightened restrictions on protests currently put in place by the British government, taking to the streets in an organised and safe way is possible, and is necessary to continue to expose the destructive role of British imperialism in the Middle East.

Zionism is racism! Free Palestine!
#FreeWestPapua ✊?
#NoAnnexation #NoOccupation
#FightRacism #FightImperialism