“I support the Provisional Government of West Papua on 2 December 2020, I am the first and only person from within the Land of West Papua to convey Congratulations on the Re-Declaration, Re-Statement, Re-Recognition, Re-Affirmation of 1 December 1961 in England, on 1 December 2020 carried out by Hon. Benny Wenda”
By Dr. Ambirek G. Socratez Yoman
I want to say to the readers, whether you believe it or not believe it, you admit it or you don’t admit it, you accept it or you don’t accept it, you like it or you don’t like it, the revived Provisional Government of Hon. Benny Wenda will be recognized by independent countries.
The main question is why I support Hon. Benny Wenda President of the West Papua Provisional Government who Re-Declared, Re-Statement, Re-Recognition, Re-Affirmation 1 December 1961 in England, on 1 December 2020 by Hon. Benny Wenda?
I have learned from elementary school, middle school, high school, and university that the Constitution or Basic Law of the Republic of Indonesia of 1945 states:
“Indeed, independence is the right of all nations, and therefore, colonialism in the world must be abolished because it is not in accordance with humanity and justice.”
The Indonesian Constitution guarantees that Indonesia’s occupation and colonization of the people and nation of West Papua must be abolished because it is not in accordance with humanity and justice, the historical facts of West Papua, the facts of gross human rights violations and racism, genocide and marginalization and other failures.
I knew and understood Indonesian history and false Indonesian ideology. Fake flag. Fake song. Fake names of heroes. Fake history books.
I knew, understood, and am aware that our history books were burned by the Indonesian military.
I knew and understood the history of the New York Agreement of 15 August 1962, which did not involve the indigenous population of West Papua.
I knew and understood that the history of the 1969 Pepera was legally and morally flawed, which was against international law because the New York Agreement of 15 August 1962, one man one vote, was not implemented. The 1969 Pepera was won by ABRI. I have repeatedly expressed sincerity about the military atrocities in the 1969 Act.
I knew and understood that the stigma and labels of GPK, GPL, OPM, separatists, Makar, KKB, terrorists were created by the Indonesian military and police to oppress, colonize and kill indigenous Papuans.
I knew, and I understood Ir. Sukarno dissolved and annexed the Independence of the people and nation of West Papua on December 1, 1961, with the Trikora edict on December 19, 1961.
I knew and I understood that there is racism, colonialism, imperialism, militarism, capitalism, injustice, domination, Melanesian ethnic extermination, genocide, ecocide, marginalisation.
I knew and understood that Special Autonomy number 21 of 2001 has failed miserably and has become a problem of humanity and injustice. Autonomy Case No. 2 of 2021 is the Autonomy Case or problem autonomy that creates a puppet New Autonomous Region (DOB) as a strategy for occupation, colonization and robbery of West Papua’s natural resources and the extermination of the indigenous Papuan population.
In my article on June 22, 2023, with the topic: “OTSUS AND DOB DOB ARE NOT THE SOLUTION TO THE ROOT OF THE WEST PAPUA CONFLICT” I expressed my concerns as quoted again here.
I reflect, pay attention, analyze, and observe and assess. In my opinion, this Indonesian puppet DOB is very cruel and the most dangerous for the Indigenous Papuan Population. I describe my observations regarding the Indonesian doll DOB as follows.
(1) Indonesia’s DOB dolls are like big, hungry pythons ready to swallow POAP.
(2) Indonesia’s puppet DOB is like wild, vicious, and evil tigers who are hungry and ready to pounce on POAP.
(3) Indonesia’s puppet DOB is like very wild land crocodiles that are starving to swallow POAP.
(4) Indonesia’s puppet DOB is like an evil and cruel lion that is hungry to pounce on POAP.
(5) Indonesia’s puppet DOB is like a ferocious leopard that is hungry and pounces on POAP.
(6) Indonesia’s puppet DOB is like a major disaster that has struck
(8) Indonesia’s puppet DOB is like a mine that is planted and at any time explodes and destroys POAP.
(9) Indonesian doll DOB is like a ringworm dog that is never satisfied with what it eats and always robs other dogs of their rights.
I support the Re-Declaration, Re-Statement, Re-Recognition, Re-Affirmation of 1 December 1961 in Oxford, England, on 1 December 2020 by Hon. Benny Wenda because there are historical facts about the struggle of the people and nation of West Papua.
The people and nation of West Papua are obliged and must support the Provisional Government of West Papua and other organs of struggle in the process towards recognizing 1 December 1961 as the Independence Day of the West Papuan nation which was annexed or invaded by Indonesia with military force on 19 December 1961.
Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs Prof. Dr. Mafud MD, Commander of the TNI, Chief of Police and Chairman of the DPR RI, held a press release opposing or rejecting the declaration of the Provisional Government by Hon. Benny Wenda on December 1, 2020, and the declaration was the State of Illusion.
Even though the Indonesian Government said that the Provisional Government of the West Papuan nation, which was declared by Hon. Benny Wenda on December 1, 2020, in England is an illusion.
BUT what is clear and certain is the fact that the BABY has been born, and this baby is growing and developing. We WAIT and SEE in this baby’s growth process.
The statements and attitudes of the Indonesian authorities are very paradoxical in responding to the dynamics of real politics, ideology and nationalism of the people and nation of West Papua from time to time until the re-declaration on 1 December 2020 in England.
The process of real politics, ideology, and nationalism of the people and nation of West Papua from time to time is written in the historical facts of the struggle for independent West Papua as follows:
1. Zeth Jafeth Rumkorem declared West Papua independent on July 1, 1971, at Waris, Victoria Headquarters (Marvic) with his cabinet.
Zeth Jafeth Rumkorem and his ministers continue to maintain the existence of the West Papuan national flag, namely the Morning Star.
2.Dr. Thomas Wapay Wanggai, a highly educated doctor, bravely declared the State of Melanesia on December 14, 1988, on the Mandala Stadium field, West Papua.
Dr. Thomas Wapay Wanggai raises the 14th Star flag.
3. Chairman of the West Papua Council Praesidium Theodorus Hiyo Eluay and his deputy Tom Beanal were elected through the Second West Papua National Congress on 26 May – 4 June 2000.
The Morning Star flag flies massively and widely throughout West Papua from Sorong-Merauke.
4. Forkorus Jabuisembut through the 3rd West Papua People’s Congress at Zakeus Field in Padang on 17-19 October 2022.
In this Congress, Edison Waromi was appointed Prime Minister, and this trust has been maintained to this day.
Forkorus Yabuisembut continues to maintain and care for the Morning Star flag as the national flag of the people and nation of West Papua.
5. Hon. Benny Wenda, President of the Provisional Government of the West Papuan nation which was declared on December 1, 2020, in Oxford, England.Hon. Benny Wenda, as president of the Provisional Government, continues to maintain, care for, and promote and strengthen 1 December 1961 with the Morning Star flag as the national flag of the West Papuan nation.
From the dynamics of the political rights of the people and nation of West Papua, the solution, noble Mr President, is that it is time for Indonesia and West Papua to sit as equals at the peace negotiation table mediated by a neutral third party, such as the example of GAM Aceh and Indonesia in Helsinki on August 15, 2005. So, It’s time for the President of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir. Joko Widodo sat down for peaceful, equal, and dignified negotiations with the President of the Interim Government of the West Papuan Nation, Hon. Benny Wenda, in accordance with the promise of the President of the Republic of Indonesia on September 30, 2019, for a meeting with the Pro-Referenfum-ULMWP Group). So that together we can create a world of harmony and permanent peace.
Thank you. Happy reading. God bless us all.
Ita Wakhu Purom, October 13, 2023
1. President of the West Papua Baptist Churches Fellowship;
2. Founder and Members of the West Papua Church Council (WPCC)
3. Member of the Pacific Conference of Churches (PCC)
4. Member of the World Baptist Alliance (BWA).
Contact: 08124888458///08128888712
Posted inArtikel Green State Vision ULMWP