The twelve deaths bodies of the Indonesian terrorist military (TNI) members have not been evacuated, and their bodies are still at the TPNPB Ndugama Derakma headquarters at the moment. Therefore, we put them in a safe place so Indonesia facist colonial government can come to collect them to return their bodies to their families back home to be burial in respective manners. Never ever come back occupied our mother land of West Papua.
Press Release by the Central Headquarters Management of the National Command of West Papua National Liberation Army as of April 17th, 2023
The Central Headquarters, Management Control of the National Command of West Papua National Liberation Army-Free Papua Organization under the leadership of General Staff Chief of Major Genneral Terryanus Satto on Sunday, April 16th, 2023 received an official report from the Commander of the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM) from the defense area III Ndugama Derakma Papua, which has been reported by Kogeya Recorders through cellular telephones and said that they succeeded in attacking the Indonesian military post in Mugi District, Nduga Regency and succeeded shot death 13th of Indonesian terrorist military coloniser who were traumatising, terrorising innocent West Papuan civilians every daily life. As Indonesia present in West Papua as a coloniser, oppressor which is who came to West Papua as thieves, robbers, plundering, killers of West Papuan such Israel apartheid state oppressed Palestinian. Turkey, Syria, Iran, and Iraq colonialism, occupiers, massacred of Kurds in Kurdistan, including other oppressed nations.
In his report, Kogeya recorders said that they had carried out an attack the Indonesian facist military coloniser, and in this attack the West Papuan guerrilla freedom fighters succeeded in shooting which is dead 13 of Indonesian fascist military, and the 12 of their deaths bodies had not yet been evacuated. Indonesian terrorist coloniser military did not care about death bodies of their military need to be sent back to their relatives, families, love once to pay their respect and burry them in peace. However, the Indonesian terrorist military TNI was evacuating one death body while leaving 12 of Indonesian terrorist TNI military deaths bodies. The West Papuan guerrilla freedom fighters (TPNPB) successfully attacked the Indonesian coloniser military on last Saturday, 15th April 2023
Nine of Indonesian terrorist military TNI members who were arrested by West Papuan guerrilla TPNPB on April 15th, 2023, were executed on April 16th, 2023 So It has been executed, so all members of the Indonesian terrorist military TNI who have been shot dead by TPNPB guerrilla amounted to 15th people. This number has been confirmed directly from the leadership of TPNPB guerrilla Ndugama Derakma. Therefore, Jakarta should not hide TNI members who have been victims in the hands of TPNPB guerrilla forces.
Please follow the TPNPB Kodap III Ndugama Darakma reported the below…!!!
Kodap III Ndugama-Derakma
West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) Kodap III Ndugama-Derakma
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Reported directly by the Red Ant Field Defence Command Captain Perek Jelas Karunggu. The next report is this morning at 10:30 a.m. Papuan time, Karunggu said that there were 12th bodies of TNI troops that had not been evacuated, and these bodies were still in our grasp of TPNPB troops at the Headquarters of the Defense Regional III Ndugama-Derakma
At 07:16 am on Sunday 16th of April 2023 in the morning Papua time, 6th helicopters belonging to the TNI dropped a bomb that had been sent down in 1996 in Yibalia At that time in the pursuit carried out by the Indonesian military against the leadership of the TPNPB troops, Mr. Silas Elimin Kogeya, Mr. Yudas Daniel Kogeya and Mr. Daud Lokbere and their troops. At that time, the Lorenz Park Team hostage was hosted by TPNPB under the leadership of the late Gen Kelly Kwalik. And we remember that the boms storyed in 1996.
The same thing was happened in the Indonesian military now at the Defense Regional III of TPNPB Ndugama Derakama headquarters and until this moment we are still on fire, because the Indonesian military and police have provoked us for the war.
So, it was also informed that the Susi Air aircraft pilot from New Zealand that we TPNPB Hostage so far could be threatened because the Indonesian military and police had begun to carry out air strikes using helicopters.
Therefore, we conveyed to the New Zealand government that if the New Zealand government wants to make your citizens survive, try to immediately make decisions and sit at the negotiating table with the TPNPB leadership.
And the Indonesian government wants to send terrorist troops, namely the military and police in large quantities of around 70,000 to one million, then we the Commanders and Troops of West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB), Defense Region Command III of Ndugama Derakma also are ready to serve, said the Commander of the TPNPB Region III Ndugama-Derakma Brigadier General Egianus Kogeya.
Here I am, Egianus Kogeya asserted what I demanded to determine self-determination fate (independent Papua), so our war is “War of National Liberation of West Papua”. The West Papua national liberation war will not stop, but it will continue until Papua is fully independent from Indonesia Occupation.
We will continue to report according to the situation on the battlefield, he said.
Thus, this is our official report of TPNPB Kodap III Ndugama-Derakma.
Responsibility for TPNPB Regional Defence Command III Ndugama-Derakma
Brigadier General Egianus Kogeya
Commander of Kodap III Ndugama-Derakma and
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Major Pemne Kogeya
Operations Commander of TPNPB Region III Ndugama Derakma.
Such is the press release of the National Command of TPNPB-OPM Hearquaters, and the management of the Central Headquarters of TPNPB-OPM is responsible for this press release.
Forwarded to all parties by the Komnas TPNPB-OPM Sebby Sambom spokesman, and thank you for your good cooperation.
In Malay Indonesian as follow…!!!
Duabelas Mayat Anggota TNI Belum Di Evakuasi Dan Masih Berada di Markas TPNPB Ndugama Derakma
Siaran Pers Manajemen Markas Pusat Komando Nasional, Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat Per 17th April 2023
Pengendali Manajemen Markas Pusat Komando Nasional, Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat-Organisasi Papua Merdeka dibawah Pimpinan Kepala Staff Umum Mayjen Terryanus Satto pada hari Minggu tanggal 16 April 2023 telah terima laporan resmi dari Pimpinan Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat (TPNPB-OPM) dari Daerah Pertahanan III Ndugama Derakma Papua, yang mana telah dilaporkan oleh Perek Jelas Kogeya melalui telp seluler dan mengatakan bahwa mereka berhasil serang Pos Militer Indonesia di Distrik Mugi, Kabupaten Nduga dan berhasil Tembak mati 13 Anggota TNI Dan Rampas Senjata mereka dan juga amunisi bertambah guna terus melakukan perlawanan kepada Pasukan Teroris yaitu Militer dan Polisi Indonesia yang datang ke Papua sebagai Pencuri dan Perampok.
Dalam laporannya Perek Kogeya mengatakan bahwa mereka telah melakukan serangan, dan dalam serangan ini mereka berhasil tembak mati 13 Anggota Militer Indonesia, dan 12 mayatnya Belum di evakuasi, namun TNI hanya Evakuasi satu mayat saja. Dan serangan ini Pasukan TPNPB lakukan pada hari Sabtu tanggal 15 April 2023.
Sembilan anggota TNI yang ditangkap Pasukan TPNPB pada 15 April 2023, dieksekusi mati pada tanggal 16 April 2023. Jadi sudah dieksekusi, sehingga seluruh anggota TNI yang ditembak mati oleh pasukan TPNPB berjumlah 15 orang. Dan angka ini sudah dipastikan langsung dari pimpinan TPNPB Ndugama Derakma, oleh karena itu Jakarta tidak boleh menyembunyikan anggota TNI yang menjadi korban di tangan pasukan TPNPB.
Silahkan ikuti laporang TPNPB KODAP III NDUGAMA DARAKMA DIBAWA ini!!
Kodap III Ndugama-Derakma
Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat (TPNPB) kodap III Ndugama-Derakma
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Dilaporkan langsung oleh, KOMANDO PERTAHANAN LAPANGAN SEMUT MERAH KAPTEN PEREK JELAS KARUNGGU. Laporan selanjutnya pada pagi ini Pukul 10:30 pagi Waktu Papua, Perek Jelas Karunggu melaporkan bahwa ada 12 mayat pasukan TNI yang Belum di evakuasi dan mayat-mayat ini masih dalam genggaman kami Pasukan TPNPB di Markas Komando Daerah Pertahanan lll Ndugama Derakama.
Pada pukul 07:16 pagi Waktu Papua, 6 helikopter milik TNI menurunkan bom yang pernah turunkan pada tahun 1996 di Yibalia. Pada saat itu dalam pengejaran yang telah dilakukan oleh Militer Indonesia terhadap Pimpinan da Pasukan TPNPB yaitu tuan Silas Elimin Kogeya, tuan Yudas Daniel Kogeya dan tuan Daud Lokbere dan Pasukan mereka. Pada saat itu sandera tim Taman Lorens yang di sandera oleh TPNPB dibawah Pimpinan Almarhum Gen Kelly Kwalik.
Hal yang sama dilakuan Militer Indonesia sekarang di Markas Kodap lll Ndugama Derakama dan sampai detik ini kami masih terus baku tembak, karena Militer dan Polisi Indonesia memancing kami untuk Perang.
Maka diinformasikan juga bahwa pilot pesawat Susi air asal Selandia Baru yang kami TPNPB Sandera selama ini, dapat terancam karena militer dan Polisi Indonesia sudah mulai melakukan serangan Udara menggunakan Helikopter
Oleh karena itu kami TPNPB sampaikan kepada Pemerintah Selandia Baru bahwa jika Pemerintah Selandia baru mau agar warga negaramu selamat, upayakan agar segera ambil keputusan dan duduk di meja Negosiasi Dengan Pimpinan TPNPB.
Pemerintah Indonesia mau kirim Pasukan teroris yaitu Militer dan Polisi dalam jumlah besar sekitar 70,000 sampai satu juta juga kami Pimpinan dan Pasukan TPNPB KODAP III Ndugama Derakma siap layani, tandas Panglima TPNPB Komando Daerah Pertahanan III Brigader Jenderal Egianus Kogeya.
Disini saya Egianus Kogeya menegaskan bahwa apa yang saya tuntut untuk menentukan nasib sendiri (PAPUA MERDEKA), jadi Perang kami adalah “Perang Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat”. Dan Perang Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat tidak akan berhenti, namun berlanjut terus sampai Papua merdeka Penuh dari Indonesia.
Laporan akan terus kami melaporkan sesuai situasi di medan Perang, tuturnya.
Demikian ini laporan resmi kami TPNPB Kodap III Ndugama-Derakma.
Penangung jawab Pertahanan Daerah TPNPB Kodap III Ndugama-Derakma
Brigjend Egianus Kogeya
Panglima Kodap III Ndugama-Derakma
Mayor Pemne Kogeya
Komandan Operasi TPNPB KODAP III Ndugama Derakma.
Demikian Siaran Pers Manajemen Markaas Pusat KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM Per 17 April 2023 bagian kedua, dan Manajemen Markas Pusat KOMNAS TPNPB-OMP bertanggungjawab atas siaran Pers ini.
Diteruskan kepada semuaa pihak Oleh Jubir KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM Sebby Sambom, dan terima kasih atas kerja sama yang baik.