The Commander of the West Papuan guerrilla Ndugama Egianus Kogeya emphasised that the TNI Commander was not responsible and dishonoured 12 death bodies of Indonesian terrorist military who died in Mugi – Ndugama Region.
Press Release by the Management of the National Command Headquarters of West Papua National Liberation Army As of 19th April 2023
The Management Controller of the National Command Headquarters of West Papua National Liberation Army-Free Papua Organisation under the Chief of General Staff Major General Terryanus Satto on Wednesday April 19th 2023 got received an official report from the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM) Leaders from the Defense Region III Ndugama Derakma Papua, which was reported by Perek Jelas Kogeya via Audio Voice and said that they had succeeded in attacking the Indonesian Military Post in the Mugi District, Nduga Regency and managed to shoot dead 15th of TNI members and were seized their weapons and also increased ammunition to continue to fight to the Terrorist Forces namely the Indonesian Military and Police who came to Papua as Thieves and Robbers.
In his report Capten Perek Kogeya said that they had carried out the attack, and in this attack they managed to shoot dead 15th members of the Indonesian military, and the 6th bodies they shot dead on April 15th 2023 were decomposed, and the 9th bodies they shot dead on April 16th 2023 also starts to decay. If the TNI Commander denies and does not evacuate the bodies of his members who are victims, then TNI Commander Yudo Margono is a Military Leader who is not responsible for his members who have been shot dead by TPNPB Troops.
So Indonesian President Joko Widodo has to remove TNI Commander Yudo Margono because he is a big liar. The lie of the TNI Commander Yudo Margono was very real, namely when the TPNPB said that the Susi Air Pilot Philip Marthen was being held hostage by the TPNPB troops under the leadership of Egianus Kogeya, but the TNI Commander Yudo Margono once said that the Susi Air Pilot from New Zealand was not taken hostage, but it turned out to be true. The obvious public deception perpetrated by the TNI Commander, Yudo Margono, was discovered, and in fact, he was a big liar. This is proof of the public deception that the TNI Commander Yudo Margono committed.
For more details, you can follow the TPNPB Report from Ndugama below, and the report that has been sent to us via Audio Voice has been translated into Indonesian by the Chairman of the TPNPB Military Council of Ndugama Region, Major Oscar Wandikbo.
The TNI Commander Can Deny Over TPNPB Ndugama Troops Killing TNI Members, but Management of the Central Headquarters of the West Papua National Liberation Army still maintains a report from Mugi, Nduga Regency which was sent directly by the TPNPB leadership.
The Audio Voice that we received on April 19th, 2023 reported that the West Papua National Liberation Army troops in Mugi actually shot dead Terrorist Members namely the Indonesian Military and Police on April 15th and April 16th 2023.
This was reported directly by Battalion Commander TPNPB Mugi, Ndugama Region Capten Perek Kogeya, because he himself led the attack on the Indonesian military post and succeeded in killing 15thTNI members.
Another thing in this audio voice explains that all TPNPB Fighters are chasing Indonesian Terrorist Troops who are running, and they are targeting to kill all of them.
The beginning of this audio voice report that the TPNPB Troops managed to seize 9 weapons, namely, 3 machine guns, 2 M16 type rifles, and 4 SS1 type weapons, all totaling nine weapons. They also reported that Megazines, Ammunition, and Pistols were not counted, meaning that all the belongings of TNI members had been successfully seized by the West Papuan guerrilla TPNPB
Therefore, we say that the TNI Commander must be honest because the report from the TPNPB Leadership Regional Defence Command III of TPNPB Ndugama Derakma is quite clear and will be accounted for at a later date.
They also reported that the first 6th corpses had decomposed, and also the 9th bodies that the TPNPB shot dead. It means Indonesian Military Commander Yudo Margono is not responsible for his soldiers dead.
They also reported that the first 6 corpses were decomposing, and the 9 bodies that the TPNPB shot dead had also started to decompose.
TPNPB Ndugama from Mugi also reported that after making a traditional prayer, they were chasing the Terrorist Troops, namely Military Members who had fled to the forest. This audio also reports that the TPNPB Troops are dancing a victory dance and are heading to the battlefield to chase TNI members who have run into the forest.
TPNPB Region III Ndugama Derakma under the leadership of Brigadier General Egianus Kogeya also denied the TNI Commander’s statement saying that TPNPB used Civil Society as shield, and this is not true because civilians in this area have fled to Wamena since 2018.
TPNPB Region III Ndugama Derakma will send photos and videos of the TNI members they killed and the weapons they confiscated from the TNI, as evidence. Therefore, the TNI Commander, please commit public deception first. Later, the TPNPB Ndugama Derakma leadership and troops will prove it. Audio Voice is also included in this press release.
Such is the press release of the National Command of TPNPB-OPM Hearquaters, and the Management of the Central Headquarters of TPNPB-OPM, are responsible for this press released.
Forwarded to all parties by the Komnas TPNPB-OPM Sebby Sambom spokesman, and thank you f your r good cooperation.
In Malay Indonesian, a the below…!!!
Panglima TPNPB Ndugama Egianus Kogeya Tegaskan Bahwa Pangglima TNI Tidak Bertanggungjawab atas anggotanya Yang Mati Di Mugi
Siaran Pers Manajemen Markas Pusat Komando Nasional, Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat Per 19th April 2023
Pengendali Manajemen Markas Pusat Komando Nasional, Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat-Organisasi Papua Merdeka dibawah Pimpinan Kepala Staff Umum Mayjen Terryanus Satto pada hari Rabu tanggal 19 April 2023 telah terima laporan resmi dari Pimpinan Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat (TPNPB-OPM) dari Daerah Pertahanan III Ndugama Derakma Papua, yang mana telah dilaporkan oleh Perek Jelas Kogeya melalui Audio Voice dan mengatakan bahwa mereka berhasil serang Pos Militer Indonesia di Distrik Mugi, Kabupaten Nduga dan berhasil Tembak mati 15 Anggota TNI Dan Rampas Senjata mereka dan juga amunisi bertambah guna terus melakukan perlawanan kepada Pasukan Teroris yaitu Militer dan Polisi Indonesia yang datang ke Papua sebagai Pencuri dan Perampok.
Dalam laporannya Perek Kogeya mengatakan bahwa mereka telah melakukan serangan, dan dalam serangan ini mereka berhasil tembak mati 15 Anggota Militer Indonesia, dan 6 mayat yang mereka tembak mati pada tanggal 15 April 2023 itu sudah membusuk, dan 9 mayat yang mereka tembak mati tanggal 16 April 2023 juga mulai membusuk. Jika Panglima TNI bantah dan tidak evakuasi Mayat anggotanya yang korban, maka Pangliam TNI Yudo Margono adalah Pimpinan Militer yang tidak Bertanggungjawab atas anggotanya yang telah di tembak mati oleh Pasukan TPNPB.
Jadi Presiden Indonesia Joko Widodo harus copot Panglima TNI Yudo Margono, karena dia adalah Pembohong besar. Pembohongan Panglima TNI Yudo Margono sangat nayata, yaitu waktu TPNPB mengatakan bahwa Pilot Susi Air Philip Marthen di Sandera Pasukan TPNPB dibawah Pimpinan Egianus Kogeya, namun Panglima TNI Yudo Margono pernah mengatakan bahwa Pilot Susi Air Asal Selandia Baru tidak di sandera, tapi ternyata benar. Dan Pembohongan publik yang nyata dilakukan oleh Panglima TNI Yudo Margono telah ketahuan, dan nyatanya dia pembohn besar. Dan ini bukti Pembohongan publik yang Panglima TNI Yudo Margono lakukan.
Untuk lebih jelasnya boleh ikuti Laporan TPNPB dari Ndugama dibawah ini, dan laporan yang telah di kirim kepada kami melalui Audio Voice ini telah di terjemahkan kedalam Bahhasa Indonesia oleh Ketua Dewan Militer TPNPB KODAP III Ndugama, Mayor Oscar Wandikbo.
Panglima TNI Bisa Menyanggal Atas Pasukan TPNPB Ndugama Bunuh Anggota TNI di Mugi, tapi Manajemen Markas Pusat Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat masih pertahankan Laporan dari Mugi, Kabupaten Nduga yang telah dikirim langsung oleh Pimpinan TPNPB.
Audio Voice yang Kami terima pada tanggal 19 April 2023 melaporkan bahwa Pasukan Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat Di Mugi benar-benar mereka menembak mati Anggota Teroris yaitu Militer dan Polisi Indonesia pada tanggal 15 April dan 16 April 2023.
Dan hal ini telah dilaporkan langsung oleh Komandan Batalyon Mugi Capten Perek Kogeya, karena dia sendiri yang pimpin serangan ke pos militer Indonesia dan berhasil menewaskan 15 Anggota TNI.
Hal lain dalam audio voice ini menjelaskan bahwa semua Pejuang TPNPB sedang kejar Pasukan Teroris Indonesia yang lari, dan mereke targetkan harus bunuh semua.
Dan awal laporan audio voice ini melaporkan bahwa Pasukan TPNPB berhasil Rampas 9 Pucuk senjata yaitu, 3 pucuk Senjata Mesin, 2 pucuk senta jenis M16, dan 4 Pucuk senjata jeni SS1 semua berjumlah sembilan pucuk senjata. Dan mereka juga melaporkan bahwa Megazine, Amunisi dan Pistol tidak terhitung, artinya semua barang milik Anggota TNI telah berhasil dirampas oleh Pasukan TPNPB.
Oleh karena itu kami sampaikan bahwa Panglima TNI harus jujur, karena laporan dari Pimpinan TPNPB Komando Daerah Pertahanan III Ndugama Derakma ini cukup jelas dan akan dipertanggungjawabkan di kemudian hari.
Mereka juga melaporkan bahwa 6th Mayat yang pertama itu sudah membusuk, dan juga 9 mayat yang TPNPB tembak mati juga mulai mebusuk.
TPNPB Ndugama dari Mugi juga melaporkan bahwa mereka setelah bikin doa adat, sedang kejar Pasukan Teroris yaitu Anggota Militer yang lari ke hutan. Dalam audio ini juga melaporkan bahwa Pasukan TPNPB sedang dansa kemenangan dan sedang menuju ke medan perang untuk kejar Anggota TNI yang lari ke hutan.
TPNPB Wilayah III Ndugama Derakma dibawah Pimpinan Brigadir General Egianus Kogeya juga bantah Pernyataan Panglima TNI yang mengatakan bahwa TPNPB menggunakan Masyarakat Civil sebagai tameng, dan hal ini tidak benar karena warga civil di Wilayah ini telah mengungsi ke Wamena dari sejak Tahun 2018.
Dan TPNPB Wilayah III Ndugama Derakma akan mengirim Photo dan Video Anggota TNI yang mereka bunuh dan senjata yang nmereka rampas dari TNI, sebagaii barang bukti. Oleh karena itu Panglima TNI silakan melakukan pembohongan publik dulu, Nanti Pimpinan dan Pasukan TPNPB Ndugama Derakma akan membuktikannya. Audi Voice juga kami lampirkan Audio Voice juga kami lampirkan dalam siaran Pers ini..
Demikian Siaran Pers Manajemen Markaas Pusat KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM Per 19 April 2023 bagian kedua, dan Manajemen Markas Pusat KOMNAS TPNPB-OM, bertanggungjawab atas siaran Pers ini.
Diteruskan kepada semuaa pihak Oleh Jubir KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM Sebby Sambom, dan terima kasih atas kerja sama yang baik.