
ULMWP Interim President Benny Wenda urges Dutch Parliament to hold trade with Indonesia until UN visit to West Papua

The Interim President of ULMWP Benny Wenda has expressed his gratitude during the Dutch Parliament hearing on the UN visit to West Papua.

He thanked the Netherlands Parliament, acknowledging the historical context and urging them to understand the ongoing struggle in West Papua.

“First of all, I give my thanks to the Netherlands Parliament for hosting this meeting. As our former coloniser, it is very important that you understand the situation in West Papua and show support for our struggle.”

Wenda highlighted the significance of the ULMWP Congress held in November, emphasising the people’s mandate for a UN visit to West Papua.

With over 100 countries demanding Indonesia’s cooperation with the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Wenda addressed the continued defiance, bringing the issue to the forefront.

He also appreciated the presence and contributions of Consul Elizabeth van Vliet, Pernando Barrena, and the people of West Papua who supported the meeting.

Expressing deep concern, Wenda criticised the election of Prabowo Subianto as the Indonesian President, labeling him a war criminal.

“The election of Prabowo Subianto as Indonesian President is concerning and frightening for West Papua. Let’s be clear: Prabowo is a war criminal.”

“Because of his past, his ideology, and because of statements he made during his election campaign, we have good reason to fear that Prabowo will further escalate the militarization of West Papua. We are already suffering ecocide and genocide. The situation will only get worse under this murderer.”

“We have already seen the first atrocity of the new Prabowo era. Last week, the Indonesian military arrested and tortured two Papuan children in Yahukimo.”

He stressed the urgent need for international attention to prevent further escalation of militarisation under Prabowo’s leadership.

Wenda emphasised the deliberate obstruction of aid by Indonesia, turning West Papua into a humanitarian crisis.

“In the six years since Indonesia first invited the UN in, over 100,000 Papuans have been displaced from their homes and made refugees in their own land. Over 75,000 of my people remain displaced to this day. Over one thousand four hundred have been killed.”

He likened West Papua to the North Korea of the Pacific, denouncing the lack of UN access, aid, and media coverage.

“Indonesia has consistently refused to let aid reach the displaced people, meaning that many have died of hunger or thirst in the bush. No UN visit, no aid workers, no journalists allowed. West Papua is becoming the North Korea of the Pacific.

“In West Papua, there are two crimes: genocide and ecocide. While the UN is not allowed in, Indonesia has increased its destruction of West Papuan ancestral land.

“Indonesia have repeatedly shown that simple words of disapproval are not enough. Their police and soldiers act with total impunity in West Papua. If there is no real pressure, they will continue to kill and torture us.

“Every day the UN is not allowed into West Papua, more of my people will be tortured, arrested and murdered, just like in Yahukimo,” said Wenda.

Wenda urged countries, including the Netherlands, to recognise the urgency and halt trade and diplomatic dealings with Indonesia until a UN visit is facilitated.

“Indonesia has clearly blocked international observation of their occupation for years now. They are using delaying tactics and making excuses while ramping up their genocidal rule. Every day the UN is not allowed into West Papua, more of my people will be tortured, arrested and murdered, just like in Yahukimo,” he said.

Source: PACNEWSa

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