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Indonesian racist Military Entered One of the Schools (SMP) in Sugapa, Intan Jaya – West Papua

Indonesian fascist military Entered One of the Schools (SMP) in Sugapa, Intan Jaya.

From Intan Jaya, West Papua It was reported at 10:00 am (11/09) that since August 5-11, 2020 the Indonesian military is conducting monitoring in schools to observe the movements of elementary and junior high school students and all civilians in the city center Sugapa, Intan Jaya Regency.

Indonesian racist military Entered One of the Schools (SMP) in Sugapa, Intan Jaya.

According to the source contacted this morning, confirmed this that when students or civilians participate in supporting Papua independence, they will be recorded and after that they will be arrested, tortured, and other forms of perception after being out of school hours and in public places they will be Interrogation by the Indonesian Military.

We also invite the Human Rights Community in the world, the UN Human Rights Council and all West Papuan people to see the situation of armed conflict between the West Papua National Liberation Army for the Free Papua Organization (TPNPB / OPM) and the Indonesian military in Intan Jaya because of its impact on Indonesian military intervention In Schools That Happened On (05/09) Then There Was One Junior High School (SMP YPPK St. Fransiskus Bilogai which is in the center of Sugapa City, Intan Jaya Regency.

It is important to know that the status of the Intan Jaya Region is currently in armed conflict and the area has become the red zone for Indonesian military operations from two years ago to the present. Which Resulted In The Evacuation Of Civilians In Timika, Paniai, Nabire And Divided In Other Meepago Areas. Even Students, Students, and Civilians Accused by the Indonesian Military for Helping the TPNPB / OPM Group in the Intan Jaya Region which resulted in torture, arrest and disappearance of civilians, it is evidence of very serious human rights violations and must be resolved by the UN Human Rights Council. The same thing happened in Yahukimo, Nduga, Timika and other West Papua regions.

The final and dignified solution is that the Indonesian state will immediately withdraw all organic and non-organic Indonesian military personnel to end armed conflict with TPNPB / OPM combatants due to the status of the West Papua region which is still a political dispute between West Papua and Indonesia.

By: Naftall Tipagau