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Indonesian Terrorist State and Indonesian mainstream media Lies. Infact a Nurse Gabriela Meilan Suicide Falling into cliffs Abyss in Kiwirok District – West Papua


Sister Gabriela Meilani Dies of Suicide Falling into cliffs Abyss by herself in Kiwirok – Pegunungan Bintang Regency.

From a number of chronology,  a nurse  Gabriela Meilan (22) health worker died while escaping into the forest and fell into a ravine and was SUICIDE herself.

We emphasise that West Papuan Freedom Fighter (TPNPB) is not the “direct actor” in the death of Miss Meilani. Infact that  West Papuan Freedom Fighter (TPNPB) is not the subject who pulled the trigger and do not shot Miss Meilani Gabriela. TPNPB is not  as an indirect actor on that incident where Indonesian terrorist military and criminal police who are liars.

The trigger first the attack of shooting came from hospital. How come a doctor holding gun (pistol) shooting at West Papuan Freedom Fighter and killed 1 member of the TPNPB.

After criminal Doctor used that gun and killed one of Freedom Fighter at the medical district centre then West Papua Freedom Fighter check out where find out that doctor was from indonesia terrorist military member. Indonesian terrorist military RESPONSIBLE FOR her suicide death.

She died because SUICIDE herself falling  into  the cliffs for saving herself and 8 health workers.

Indonesia is a nation of savages and cruelty state. Indonesia has forgotten that it has massacred children under five years old, killed Papuan priests, raped girls minors during 60 years of military operations, illegal annexation, colonisation and is even Indonesia so proud to have killed 300,000 East Timorese  , Indonesia has also massacred 1,200,000 Indonesians citizens in 1965/ 1966, Indonesia  has  slaughtered 700,000 innocent West Papuan women’s and children’s.
1. Biak Massacre 6/7/1998
2.Paniai Massacre 8 /12/ 2014
3. Nduga Massacre since December (184 killed by the Indonesian terrorist military.
4. Wamena Massacre 1977

Event media local being forced and forbidden to report the incident in Kiwirok because military told journalists don’t come to the location of the incident taken place, but only INDONESIAN  TERRORIST MILITARY.

#KiwirokDistrict #Papua #PegununganBintangRegency #FreeWestPapua #PapuaMerdeka #IndonesiaFascistState #IndonesiaTerroristState #IndonesiaCrimialRegime #IndonesiaApartheid #IndonesiaStopKillingPapuans