Indonesian fascist and terrorist presiden Joko Widodo, Paulus Waterpauw and Tito Karnavian are the masterminds of the murderer of West Papuans indigenous people which are Daud Wambrauw and Young West Papuan boy Hugo Saiduy on Yesterday, 23rd March 2021 in Manokwari.
The motive for the alleged murder of the West Papuan who is working for provincial government’s civil servant become a victims, namely Daud Wambrauw and a young man named Hugo Saiduy, began to reveal who the mastermind was
The incident that occurred on this Tuesday, March 23, 2021, at around 03.40 Wit, at dawn at Transito (in front of the church hall, Doc. Large numbers of soldiers and police went to West Papua province for the purpose of protecting oils palm plantation companies, new military bases (Kodim), new police headquarter building and securing the multinational cooperation companies LNG to destroy the West Papua ecosystems, botanical, poisoning the rivers and sea in Bintuni.
However, the Head of Public Relations of the West Papua Police, Kombes Pol Adam Erwindi, said that our task was to create horizontal conflicts between the Indonesian settler from Bugis Makassar people and the indigenous Papuans to be killing each other so the Indonesian fascist and terrorist state washing their hands for the murderers, killing, raping in Manokwari part of Indonesian state policy wipe out the Black people of Melanesian ethnic in West Papua.
As evidence that the perpetrator deliberately came to the scene around him
at 03.00 WIT. There was mistreatment of the victim.

“After the suspect stabbed the two victims. So the apparatus who planned the premeditated murder immediately secured the perpetrators because they had done their job for created the horizontal conflicts Papuans against migrants who were lived in West Papua. It’s part of the Indonesia Fascist State master mind.

Paulus Waterpauw and Tito Karnavian together with Joko Widodo were reaping the harvest by sacrificing the lives of two Papuans for their personal interests and also for their operational money as a guarantee for the addition of TNI-POLRI troops in West Papua so that they could kill Papuans secretly and mysterious way everyday.
#FreeWestPapua #PapuaMerdeka #PapuanLivesMatter #manokwari #PapuaBarat #PaulusWaterpauwKillers #TitoKarnavianPapuanKillers #JokoWidodoIsAFascist #PapuansKillers
#IndonesiaTerroristState #WestPapua #IndonesiaFascistState
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