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National Liberation Army of West Papua (TPNPB) are Freedom Fighters against the Indonesia coloniser

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LONDON – TODAY: Papua Militant International and North London Revolutionary Communist Group join solidarity with people’s of West Papuan on this Saturday, 27th March 2021 in London – the United Kingdom.

We condemn Indonesia government is a terrorist state and we support the (TPNPB-OPM) National Liberation Army of West Papua are Freedom Fighters against the Indonesia coloniser.

“Indonesia is a Terrorist State and Indonesia is a Fascist State”.

We held a vibrant, loud and energetic socially distanced Speak Out today! We must defend the right to protest, to hold an open mic & to speak out against injustice!

  • Break the chains of the capitalist system
  • Break the chains of racism
  • Break the chains of women’s oppression
  • Break the chains of imperialism
  • Break the chains of the Indonesian occupation of West Papua
    *Break the chains of environmental destruction
  • Free all political prisoners
  • Kill the Bill

* Break the chains of the capitalist system
* Break the chains of racism
* Break the chains of women’s oppression
* Break the chains of imperialism
* Break the chains of the Indonesian occupation of West Papua
*Break the chains of environmental destruction
* Free all political prisoners
* Kill the Bill

#policecrackdownbill #righttoprotest

credit video: Revolutionary Communist Group – RCG / FRFI