Jen Keyser PNG family stand for Papuan Lives Matter – Australia

I found a really heart warming post on Instagram.

As parents we want to protect our children from the dangers of the world but we also need to teach them the realities of why we need to protect them. Also making them understand the importance of being global citizens.

Teaching my boys how important it is to stand up for themselves and to stand up for others. I was hesitant to bring them along purely for any potential safety concerns but Soni and I wanted them to experience standing up for the oppressed and protesting for change.

I had a conversation with my boys before we left our house telling them why we’re marching and who we represent. We represent our Black Bubu’s (PNG Grandparents) and all of our Black Ancestors who are always with us in spirit. When you know who you are and know where you come from then it will help navigate you to where you’re going in life.

Yesterday, we also represented our West Papuan brothers and sisters in their fight for freedom from the slow motion genocide that has been ongoing for over 50 years!

Standing in the middle of the city waving the Morning Star Flag would be a 15 year jail sentence for West Papuans in their own land, and also the potential to be tortured and shot. So we proudly wave the flag for them to raise awareness of the atrocious human rights violations that occur every single day from the illegally occupying Indonesian military.

Me personally, when I represent West Papuan people, I carry their stories, I carry their trauma, I carry their pain and their desperate cries for freedom. For my brothers who have fled and are living in exile whom have become my family, I carry their longing to return to their motherland.

It was so heartwarming standing on the street waving the flag and people gazing over with acknowledgement and recognition in their eyes for West Papua and #PapuaLivesMatter

Papua merdeka!! Wa wa!


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