Strictly rejects Indonesia’s colonial policy to extend Papua’s Special Autonomy Volume 2

Markus Haluk
(ULMWP/United Liberation Movement for West Papua Executive Director in West Papua)

Responding to the policy rumors of the Indonesian Colonial Government extending the Special Autonomy on 15 July 2021.

The following are our basic thoughts that:

  1. The policy of unilaterally extending Papua’s Special Autonomy by the Indonesian Colonial Government during the Jokowi Regime is the practice of Indonesian Systemic Racism Politics against Melanesian People in West Papua.
  2. Looking at the dynamics of West Papua’s life today and during the 20 years of Implementation of Special Autonomy Volume 1 in 2001-2021, Papuans view Indonesia as not the future of Papua to ensure the life of the Papuan people, but on the contrary that since May 1963 until now, the land of Papua by Indonesia has been used as the future for Indonesia’s 270 million population. It is becoming increasingly clear that Papua is with Indonesia, will suffered a tragic fate. Papuans sooner or later will experience ethnic cleansing. Experiences and facts such as the original Aboriginal people of Australia, the population Native Indians on American as well as several other Native tribes who became Minority began to occur on Papuans in West Papua during the occupation of Indonesia since May 1963.
  3. 20 years of implementation of Special Autonomy (November 2001-July 2021), the government of Indonesian colonialism has failed to be implemented in West Papua. On the other hand, Autonomy Especially as a means of occupying politics, practicing the politics of systemic racism and accelerate the ethnic cleansing of Melanesians in West Papua. Because of Therefore, we ask the leaders of Melanesian, Pacific, African, Caribbean, European Union, USA and the international community without exception ceased political and financial support Sustainability of the Implementation of Special Autonomy for Papua for the next 20 years come.

Instead, we ask for the support of regional and community leaders to encourage Indonesia to allow a visit from the Human Rights Council UN people, visiting diplomats, journalists, academics, researchers, members senators and congressmen to visit West Papua.

  1. The democratic solution for West Papua is that the Government of Indonesia provides a choice Papuans to determine their right to self-determination. This solution has been practiced by the Government of Indonesia to the people of Timor Leste in August 1999. The same solution, about self-determination since the presidency Soekarno to Joko Widodo, the Indonesian government has always been pro-active continuously consistently pushing for the Palestinian people. Indonesia has also pushed for the right political independence for the people of Pakistan from India and independence of many Countries Other Islam in the international world. While at the same time in West Papua, The Indonesian government because the majority of Christians are present as a new colony to carry out occupation, colonization, practice the politics of racism systemic.
  2. The Papuan Nation’s Right to Freedom and Sovereignty does not conflict with Indonesian Constitution. On the other hand, in the preamble to the 1945 Indonesian constitution, allow it 100%, “Independence is the right of all nations. Therefore colonization over the world must be abolished.” So the Papuan people have the right to independent. And Indonesia’s colonization of Papuans must be stopped because contrary to the Constitution and the second principle of Pancasila. The struggle for independence and The political sovereignty of the Papuan Nation also does not conflict with the Holy Scriptures of the Ummah Christianity, the Koran and the holy book of other major religions. Independence Papuan politics also do not conflict with the UN Universal Declaration.

So now is the time, the government and the people of Indonesia, the leaders and the people believe in Indonesia and leaders of the International community to pray for and fully supports the struggle for the political rights of the Papuan people for independence and sovereign.

Now is the time to rise up against all the racial political systems imposed by Indonesia. Thus, we can convey this point of view. Jesus bless you.

Jayapura, West Papua, 13 July 2021

Markus Haluk
(ULMWP/United Liberation Movement for West Papua Executive Director in West Papua)