Criminal Kapolres Police and Terrorist Dandim Yahukimo Shoot Temius Magayang and Arrest 5 West Papuan Teenager

Police Chief and Dandim Yahukimo Shoot Temius Magayang and Arrest 5 West Papuan Teenager on 27th November last Saturday


The arrest of 5 indigenous Papuans and the shooting of Demius Magayang (Temius Magayang) by armed criminals TNI/POLRI The Joint Team of the Nemangkawi Task Force and the Yahukimo Police is located on Jalan. Gunung (PT. Indo Papua), at 10:17 – 12:53 WIT, on Saturday, 27 November 2021, Dekai District, Yahukimo Regency.

1. The criminal Indonesian officials present at the arrest:

a. AKP I Nengah S Gafar, S.Sos ( Head of the Intelligence of Yahukimo Police)

b. Ipda Saharudin, (Dantim III Task Force Gakkum Nemangkawi).

c. Ipda Edy Supianto, SH (Dantim Chetah 5)

d. The joint team of the Yahukimo Police Criminal and the Nemangkawi Task Force total are 45 personnel.

2. Papuans Teenager of those who were forcibly arrested by armed criminals terrorist coloniser TNI/POLRI

1. Demius Magayang (Temius Magayang) suffered gunshot wounds to the left knee crease and left lower ankle.

2. Lian Yalak, male, 18 years old, airport worker, Christian.

3. Kamaneng Nepsan, male, 19 years old, woker at PT. Bintang Timor, Christian.

4. Poyatif Pahabol, male, 18 years old, Christian, Teenager.

5. Yanis Pahabol, male, 31 years old, Christian, Members of Parliament.

6. Dayas Wesabla, male, 19 years old, Christian.

After the shooting of Temius Magayang and the arrest of 5 indigenous Papuan teenagers who are still in school, this is an attempt to build the military headquarters and police headquarters.

Indonesia Fascist State looser, greedy power continued suppressing indigenous Papuans. so it is not surprising that the National Police Chief and the TNI Commander justified and slaughtered 6 Papuan teenagers by scapegoating them in order to smooth out the ambitions of the Police Chief and Dandim Yahukimo in order to get business deal and the Indonesia ?? terrorist state panic and overwhelmed with the Internationalisation of the Free West Papua diplomacy against the Indonesian colonialists for 60 years in Papua become International popular news and social media platforms.

The reason why Indonesia terrorist military shot Temius Magayang and the arrest of 5 indigenous Papuan teenagers who are still in school, because the Indonesia coloniser continued want to wipe out the back Melanesian of West Papua population in West Papua and plunder indigenous West Papuans for the interests of the multinationals cooperation and palm oil plantations to deforestation need protection which required the Indonesian military based headquarters and police headquarters bases where absolutely justified to murdering Black people of West Papua in the name of the Indonesia Fascist State. Therefore, criminal military and terorrist police ocestrade for illegal military operations for removing indigenous people of West Papua from their land owners.

Indonesia fascist military and terrorist police orchestrated the violence while arrested 6 innocen West Papuan because the Indonesian foren ministers and diplomats cannot handle of the Internationalisation of the Free West Papua Campaign issued where being globally recognised, acknowledged that Indonesian terrorist state clearly illegally occupied and annexed West Papua without illegal law invader the land is not belongs to the Indonesia criminal regime where Indonesia has had run out of common sense, dirty minds, greedy power with colonial projects funded by Western Imperialists and world Bank for Multinational cooperation profits. Therefore Indonesia criminal regime need money for build the military headquarters bases and Police Headquarters in Yahukimo Regency.

So do not be surprised if the ambitions of former chief Papua Police Paulus Waterpauw, Tirto Karnavian and fascist Indonesian president Joko Widodo are increasingly revealing played their dirty war games of ethnic cleansing of West Papua deliberately because they are black people’s in order to secure their positions, ranks, powers and personal ambition which continues justified murdered the indigenous black West Papuans under Indonesia occupation.

Those shots and arrested 5 Papuans teenager is part of the oppressors and colonisers projects in West Papua. It have been and have always been the ground for exercises colonisers brutalities for the sake of their promotion, position, money and influences in the name of the Republic of Indonesia with fixed prices in order to secure the interests and benefit of the Indonesia as coloniser where wanted to succrified indigenous people of West Papua for the give a way for multinational corporations can be freely to exploit gold mines, nickel, oils, gas and clearing the third biggest rainforest in the world for the palm oil plantations in the Papua and West Papua region.

The action was taken by the Indonesian fascist military and police because there is no based argument for Indonesian colonialism in occupied West Papua which has been exposed and knows by the international communities, grassroots, politicians, youths networks, indigenous solidarity, that Indonesia systemically practised apartheid system, ethnic cleansing, and secret on going genocide in West Papua by Indonesia fascist state country and tyrant of Indonesia successfully massacre black people of West Papuans just simply because we are black so that Indonesia feels very honored and proudly kill black people in Papua to copied their colonial master Dutch given best examples of how to treats your coloniser, oppressing the colonised nations which Netherlands has colonised Indonesia for more than 350 years. Indonesia terrorist state wanted to show up to the world what the democracy lool like follow their white supremacy legacies how to terrorising black people, treats Papuans such as subhuman, no mercy, no justice when Indonesia very enjoyed slaughter, terrorised, oppressed black West Papuans like white Americans treats black people in America, and including European projects colonisation practiced by the Israel’s Apartheid system against people of Palestine from the Israel brutalities which are Indonesia practiced the apartheid system for more than 60 years against Indigenous qPapuans by shots young Temius Magayang and arresting 5 Papuans teenager on this Saturday 27th November 2021, Yahukimo Regency.