Papua Militant International joined solidarity with Kurdish and Baloch against the Islamic Republic of Iran in Kurdistan


Saturday 28th of January 2023 at 13:00pm
From: BBC Portland Plc W1A
Towards: Trafalgar Square

Papua Militant International joined solidarity with the Kurdish protest to demand justice and the right of Kurdish people’s to self-determination from Iran colonialism, Turkey colonialism, Syria colonialism, and Iraq colonialism in Kurdistan. Also, free Balochistan from Iran and Pakistan colonialism. Kurdish revolution, Baloch revolution have got similarities struggle against the Indonesia terrorist regime’s occupier in West Papua continuing suppressing black people’s of Melanesian in West Papua simply being black races. Therefore, resistance of Kurdish, Baloch, Palestinian resistance against the oppressors.

KJAR is always working both regionally and internationally to further the rights of women and the people of Eastern Kurdistan. This protest is being organised to amplify the voice of the many thousand who are still protesting against the Iranian Regime, but it also to highlight the many thousands of people that have been arrested, disappeared, tortured, hanged and the various human rights violations which have increased since the protests began.

Thank you, my Kurdish comrades, Kurdistan Solidarity Network , Kurdish Youth – UK, Kurdistan Solidarity Campaign, and other Kurdish youths organisations from Rohjilat, Bashûr, Bakûr, and Rojava came participating today on this Saturday.

West Papua stands with KURDS until you are free from your colonisers in the entire Kurdistan.

Thank you to everyone who attended and showed your support for our Kurdish siblings today.

#kjar #rojhelat❤️☀️💚 #şahidnamirin #bijiberxwedanakurdistan #azadi #JînaAmini #womeninwar #womeninpolitics #womenlifefreedom #womenrightsarehumanrights #womenrights #womenempowerment #rojhelat #Rojava #bashur #bakur #kurdistan #PapuaMilitantInternational #FreeWestPapua #FreeKurdistan #jinjiyanazadi #jinirojhelat #humanrights #abuseisabuse #abuseofpower #violenceagainstwomen #fightforjustice #fightforfreedom #protest #London



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