Tito Karnavian and Paulus Waterpauw  are Preparing for Killing West Papuans Civilians in Yalimo region on this March 2021

Indonesian Fascist Military TNI removed indigenous West Papuans owners then made their military bases with forced them with the gun point in Yalimo region on this Thursday 04/03/2021 around 10:50am in the early morning – Yalimo region.

The incident took place at Pirip Street in front of  the St. Moria Church.

Indonesian terrorist military are expelling them from their own house without ask them permission who owns that house, after that then make that house as military checkpoint.

While indigenous Papuans who’s owner of the building being forced, tortured them, then kicked them out from theirs house because Indonesian fascist military want it to shot them with live bullets and scared them.

As we writing this articles the indigenous West Papuans local residents leave the house because Indonesian fascist military warning them to be kill as they did to murdered 3 young West Papuan which Yustinus Bagau, Yanius Bagau, and Soni Bagau on 15th February last month where three of them being tortured and beaten them up to death in Intan Jaya last month.

The local district authorities could not stand for their people, whose house owner is seized by the military force used the weapons pressured occupants leave the house immediately, even though ordinary people have reported to the Yalimo local district official government to mediate conflicts between civilians with the fascist dictatorship Indonesian military brutally abused West Papuan in Yalimo. The local government is powerless because Indonesian fascist military harassed them with their guns.

Few eyes witness confirm that Indonesian terrorist military (TNI SATU KOMPI) equal numbers with more than 80-225 military members to occupied the houses and corner shop. The Indonesian racist military arriving there to creating conflict and violence after successfully murdered indigenous West Papuans last month in Intan Jaya,  Indonesian soldiers killed Tera Wamang cold blood in Ilaga- Puncak Jaya on  19th February 2021 last month.

Please keeping eyes on the current situation right now from yesterday. So please continue monitoring the situation from Indonesian fascist military brutality and oppressing us

Long Live International Solidarity ✊‼️