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Pimpinan TNPB Egianus Kogoya Panen Senjata
Sumber: The TPNPB News TNPB-OPM Kodap III Ndugama Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Organisasi Papua Merdeka (TPNPB-OPM)…
Berita tangan pertama dari Tanah Papua
Laporan Sidang Tujuh Tapol Anti Rasisme Per 5 Mei 2020
The police is threatening to criminalise a Papuan church leader the President of the Alliance of West Papuan Baptist Churches, Reverend Dr. Socratez Yoman for his article on a shooting incident around the Freeport mine. There have been several reported rights abuses in Timika alone as company and military operations continue during a pandemic.